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Starscream was fuming, as well as the rest of the army. A well thought out raid went to slag when Starscream had failed to consider this planet's weather cycles, and suddenly they got caught up in a rainstorm. Thunder boomed outside the base, lighting crashing down on the shoreline.
They had failed miserably, and now Starscream was covered in energon, mud, and was wet in an uncomfortable way. The rain felt like it was piercing through his armor and it made him feel itchy.

Megatron, on the other servo, seemed to have no issues with the weather. He was still furious, though. He always was after a failed raid. Barking orders at his soldiers to get themselves cleaned up or they'd be cleaning the mud up from the halls. Starscream scoffed, and made his way to the public wash racks.

He hated the wash racks. Everyone would stare, he preferred to go at night, but that wasn't an option when he had gunk stuck in his seams that was beginning to *harden.* He hid in one of the stalls, squishing against the wall as the solvent ran down his wings. After a few kliks, he noticed just how oddly quiet it was. He turned, and came face to chest with their leader.
"Megatron!" He whisper yelled, glancing up at him.

"Come with me." Megatron mumbled, and grabbed the seeker's servo. He pulled him out, all the other mechs optics glued onto their air commander and leader now. Megatron pulled him to his own quarters, and then through the door to Megatron's private washracks. Starscream's wings flicked up.

Getting to use Megatron's private washracks was a privilege few received- in fact from what Megatron had claimed, not that Starscream ever took his word, he was the only other mech ever allowed in there. So whenever Megatron deigned to allow him entrance, it made Starscream's spark swirl. At first, he thought he'd be left alone, but quickly noticed Megatron wasn't leaving.

"... I hope you haven't gotten any ideas, Megatron." Starscream narrowed his optics.

"Of course not. Come on." Megatron led him to a tub that Starscream had assumed was off limits. He looked hesitantly up at Megatron, and when no protest or even look was given, he climbed inside. Megatron started the solvent, and it was so warm. Seekers naturally preferred warmth, having a tendency to huddle together for it. Their frames were able to sustain even the hottest of temperatures, even if it didn't feel nice. Cold however? They were not built for the cold. It was how seekers died back when off planet exploration was new. Test guinea pigs.

Starscream sighed, sinking in. He almost relaxed, when he felt Megatron push him forward and get in behind him. Starscream squawked, splashing about as he turned to face Megatron.
"What on Cybertron do you think you're doing?!"

"A favor. Now turn around." Megatron said in a low voice, grabbing Starscream's waist and turning him. He let out a soft sigh, before placing a servo on Starscream's wings. Starscream flicked it angrily, but didn't pull it away. Megatron pulled a washcloth from his subspace, wetted it with the solvent, and slowly rubbed it over Starscream's left wing. Little circles over them, most focus on the insignia. Starscream wasn't surprised.

It felt nice, though. The tank seemed to know what he was doing, and that was new. Starscream assumed most grounders knew nothing about seekers, because the truth was? They didn't. Their frames were inherently different, no matter what Megatron chose to believe. Differences in their frames and internals, but nothing that determined seekers were worse or better than grounders. Simply things that needed to be treated in different ways, like wings.

Starscream let out a soft sigh, pressing his wing into Megatron's servo. Megatron moved down it, reaching Starscream's back. He switched to the other wing, repeating his actions. He held Starscream as close as he could. 
"... You looked… Nice out there." Megatron started, moving down Starscream's back and pressing his forehelm against Starscream's neck cables.
"Strong… Capable."

"It failed though… Aren't you going to yell at me for that? Twist my wings?"

Megatron froze, his servo falling away. He frowned, sitting in silence for a klik.
"... I'm sorry I've doubted you in the past… It was a decent plan… An excellent plan." He corrected. "I wouldn't have thought of it. It was… Simply an oversight. Who knew it was going to rain?"

"The autobots, probably." Starscream mumbled, pulling his knees up to his chassis and resting his chin on them. He dipped a few digits into the water, staring down at it, back at his reflection… He looked guilty.

"... Starscream." Megatron rumbled, wrapping his arms around him.
"It's not something you should blame yourself for… You… You tried your best and…" He fell silent after that. He didn't often compliment Starscream outside of their… private moments. But, this was also a private moment. Just as intimate if not more. A different way of physical love…

Megatron moved his servos up, moving the washcloth over Starscream's cockpit slowly. Starscream relaxed, shuttering his optics. Megatron's wash racks were quiet, both in noise and decor. Completely unlike what Starscream's would be. Back in the palace, Starscream's wash racks were decorated to high heaven, and absolutely chock-full of polishes and fragrances. Starscream knew Megatron didn't care about that stuff. It was "frivolous." And yet… He had taken notice of the new items in Megatron's wash racks, after their relationship had gotten more open.

Expensive polishes that Shockwave probably stole by Megatron's requests, ones that Megatron knew Starscream enjoyed. That was his first inclination that Megatron actually listened, that he actually cared how Starscream felt. Starscream's spark clenched, and he turned his helm to look at Megatron. Megatron's optics stared back at him.

Starscream was overcome with emotion. Why did Megatron have to be such an idiot?! Why did he have to care! They were supposed to be enemies! Hate each other! Starscream wanted that! Something simple. He tried to kill Megatron with an elaborate plot, and Megatron fired a warning shot, then they went back to their usual lives of arguing. Starscream couldn't even get that anymore.

Megatron saw right through him. Of course he did. He pulled Starscream's helm down, letting it rest in the crook of his neck and shoulder. Starscream whined, rubbing his faceplates against him.

"I hate you."

"... I know."

"And your stupid face… and ugly helm… and massive frame!" Urgh! Why did this have to be so difficult! He could say the opposite of how he felt but not the truth.

Megatron tensed, but didn't raise his voice. He rubbed Starscream's back, pressing a kiss to the top of his helm.
"I know… And you hate my poetry too, don't you?"

Starscream nodded, sighing. Maybe Megatron understood what he wanted to say. The words on the tip of his glossa that his vocalizer… Maybe processor… Or even his spark, stopped him from saying.
He looked up into Megatron's optics, and Megatron stared back at his.

"... Why are you being nice to me?" Starscream asked. He wanted Megatron to yell at him. Emotions were easy when he knew how Megatron felt! Weren't they? But… He knew how Megatron felt now. And he was still upset about it… Was he broken?

"Because… I want you to… I…" Megatron couldn't find the words. If he did, that meant admitting a vulnerability to Starscream. It meant Starscream would have a new thing to attack… To use against him. Megatron didn't want that.
He went back to rubbing the washcloth over Starscream's frame, now washing Starscream's turbines slowly and gently, making note not to damage the delicate components.

Starscream understood… At least, he thought he did. He allowed Megatron to continue, leaning into him.
"... Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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