32nd Chapter: IT'S YOU, AGAIN

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"Mr Wang.."

"My umbrella, please.."

Mr...Wang? The stunned Yibo repeated in his mind, debating if he had heard the man standing in front of him with his arm stretched, say it right. Mr...Wang? He spoke again in his thought as his eyes wander the man's surface, contemplating if what he is seeing is real.

"Mr Wang.."

The other called again, but, Yibo's hearing doesn't seem to function as he continues to gape at the guy, who too was looking at him with a nonchalant expression. He felt dumbfounded and appalled that he almost wet his pants, still couldn't believe that he has returned, that his Zhan is finally back, and very much alive. He wanted to scream in joy, cry in desperation, spread his arms for him but, his feet wouldn't let him, and instead, remained to gaze at the person he had languished over for so long. His heart longed for this moment, for him to see Zhan again, kiss and embrace him again, interrogate him about his whereabouts, why he never came back for him, and most of all, ask him if he had missed him too. After looking at his ex-lover's face for so long, whose exterior didn't age even a bit and is still as beautiful as ever, a realization suddenly knocked at his senses.

Zhan looks like Zhan but doesn't. Yibo wondered endlessly at the man's aura, peering through his soul and trying to compare him to the person he once knew, however, he failed miserably. He found many dissimilarities, and most of them made him extremely surprised. One of which is Zhan's buff physique. He looks healthier and stronger, his chest became broader, with quite a few muscles noticeable even underneath his clothes, and the way he presented himself, proved distinction. Yibo felt glad in a way, he was happy to see Zhan looking well, but his ex-lover's burning authority made him somewhat, insecure.

 Yibo felt glad in a way, he was happy to see Zhan looking well, but his ex-lover's burning authority made him somewhat, insecure

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Along with that, Zhan's grim expression made it harder for him to even move his lips. It was stuck together, stopping him to let out any word, that's why he couldn't answer him. Zhan's stare was rigorous, detached, not hateful, but relatively heavy.

The sight overwhelmed Yibo. God knows how he yearned and prayed for him to see Zhan again, how he wanted to end his life to be with him thinking that he died. He felt ashamed of how he wasted three years of his life with different men just to cope with the pain of losing the person he loves the most. He felt angry that nobody, not even Yuta's mother told him that he is alive after all. And, if he knew, he never would've stopped looking for him even if it cost him everything that he has, just to take a glimpse of Zhan's face again. Even if Zhan's family hates him, even if Yubin hates him, even if Zhan hates him like he deserves to be, he still would've taken the risk.

If only he knew.

"Mr. Wang.."

But, now that he is finally in front of him, all of it doesn't matter anymore. Seeing Zhan alive is more than enough, for now, at least.

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