Part 3

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"Okay so you are going to hold the bow like this," He shows you and you mimik his movement. "Elbow up just a tad. Perfect." He smiles. "Now when you aim, follow the point of the arrow to your target. When you are set, breathe out while you let go." You do exactly as he says and let out a big breath as you release the string sending the arrow flying through the air. The arrow lands in the middle of the target. Clint looks at you in surprise. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" He asks you. "No, why?" You ask him confused. "Because it took me almost a year till I could land my first bullseye." He says to you. "Is that bad?" You say worried. "No, kid. You're a natural." He laughs letting go of his arrow and it sinks less than a centimeter away from yours. You two spend a while training together until J.A.R.V.I.S. calls you both for dinner. Clint gives you space in his locker area to put your bow and arrows. You rush to finish dinner cause it was your night to clean up, and you and Nat head downstairs for your training session.

    You two start out light with how to block from a basic punch, how to get out of a wrist grab. It doesn't take long for you to catch on and then you are working on offense. Nat and you train all evening, Nat forgetting the reason you said you wanted to train and just enjoying a partner who can keep up. By the time Tony realized you had not come to say goodnight he started to look around the tower for you. When he saw that you and Nat were soaked with sweat training he couldn't help but shake his head. As he walked up to the two of you Nat swung her leg in a roundhouse but you caught it, spinning her to the ground. You both immediately stop and turn to look at who is clapping on the other side of the room. When your eyes fall on Tony your heart stops. "Turning my daughter into a soldier now Romanoff?" He asks with a bit of both sass and disappointment in his voice. "Dad, I asked her to. There are these kids at school and-" Before you can finish Tony cuts you off. "Save it, kid. Happy told me what you said in the car earlier when I called him to see if you were with him." He says and you drop your gaze to the floor.

    "What's really going on, Y/n?" Nat asks. You don't look up to her as your eyes begin to sting. "I just want to be a part of the team. I just want to be needed by somebody." You say to them. Nat wraps her arms around you. "Sweetie, you are already a part of the team." She says. "She is?" Tony's voice is in complete confusion. "I am?" You practically mimic your father. "Yes, you may not be going on missions with us but you are what keeps us going every day. Without you, there would be no team. We all need you." Nat says, your tears escape your eyes and you immediately wipe them away so your dad doesn't see. "I also can't skim over the fact that an eleven year old fights better than a trained assassin." She says looking over to Tony. "Y/n you should rub that in Clint's face." She says to you with a light laugh.

    "I also didn't miss one bullseye, Dad." You say running over to him. "That's great kiddo." He says to you, giving you a hug. "You should go shower and get some rest, it's getting late." He says to you. "But Dad... It's not even a school night." You whine. "My house, my rules." He says giving you the famous 'Dad' look he has. "Fine," You sigh, accentuating the 'I' in fine, you look over to Nat. "Night Aunt Nat. Thanks for training with me." You say and run upstairs to your room. You get cleaned up and ready for bed and pass out when your head hits the pillow. You are very excited to do more training with Clint and Nat. You hope that you may even get to train with Steve and Thor one day.

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