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No warning here except dabi and hawks sharing one brain cell. FYI while they searching for you, you're just chilling at the league with toga and everyone. Also forgive me if this is shitty I wrote it at 2 in the morning. Also, the chapter is 3rd person pov unless said so.😽✌💞
Hawks ran to the house not saw something he never wanted to see (at least in his case that is lol). He went in and saw dabi wearing the worst makeup anyone could ever do.

(While hawks was out)

Dabi was now bored out of his mind. As much as he would wanna leave he didn't want to leave the kitten alone (more like didn't want to face your wrath after ignoring what hawks said) blue flame was not sleeping like an angel. Dabi had found a half packet of her food which was more than enough at the moment.

Sighing he walked around the house aimlessly blue woke up and scratched your door more likely because her bed was in there. Dabi opened the door and let her in. She wouldn't mind if I was in her room right? Dabi thought as he went in. Your room wasn't too girly or too boyish. You had purple walls there was a tribal wolf painting right above the headboard of your bed. Your desk had drawings and notes scattered. Dabi sat on your bed with a bounce as he was thinking about his feelings for you.

I have fallen for her huh. But I doubt she even feels the same (author: you never know if you try dude😼. dabi: STFU and lemme continue my thinking before I burn you author. A: rude!! Btw im in charge of who the reader ends up with *evil laughs* dabi: you little shi- A: OKAY BACK TO THE STORY BYE!!)

As dabi was in his thinking world something brought him out of his thoughts. He looked to see blue flame was now playing with something she had found. "Hey don't destroy that (y/n) gonna kill me for it," he said as he went to see what she had found. "Huh," he said as he took a triangle shape sponge. Dabi examined it and saw that it was one of your make-up stuff thingy (his words not mine 😽). "So what is this for," he said to himself. He then saw a bag with its zip opened taking the back he saw different makeup stuff in it. Curiosity got the better of his as he wanted to know.

He had seen you put make up some times so he knew what some of it was. He then took a tube thingy and opened it. "Isn't this what she just on her eyelashes" dabi thought as he opened it. Maybe if I.... Dabi took it and tried to apply it on his eyelashes. "I've killed so many villa's and somehow this seems scarier," he said earning a meow from the cat. Just as he was about to apply it he blinked and got some in his eye. "MOTHER FUCKER THIS SHIT BURNS" He cried out. He was now holding the mascara in his hand with red-eye now "who in the right mind would even wanna do this" he said to himself, while blue flame looked at him like he was insane.

"Alright let's put this death stick down and try something that doesn't involve my losing my eyesight" with that said he took a brush and started putting some highlights that were NOT his color. He put a golden-ish brown high light and purple eye shadow "she wouldn't mind right? She won't even know" he thought to himself. (That's what he thinks hehe) after he was done he looked like something a 5-year-old would do but according to him, he felt like a "baddie". I better clean up before someone comes he thought. He then remembered that he saw your makeup remover in the hall. He went down to get it scaring blue flame in the process. " oh come on I look amazing. In fact, I look better than any girl you have even seen in your cat life" he pointed out in a bratty voice. Now blue flame looked at him like he was really insane. Just as he was about to walk over back to your room the front door opened and he froze just as he was about to walk away he saw a sit of red wings. "You're fuckin kidding me," he thought as he would've preferred you walking in instead of hawks.

(Back to the present)

"What in the seven fuckin seas were you doing while I was out," hawks said wide eyes. "Uhh experimenting?" He said more like a question. Hawks was speechless at what he was seeing. Dabi one of the strongest villains wearing makeup. If it was a different situation he would have laughed his ass off. But he was thinking about what happened to you. "JUST- Just get that off we have bigger matters here... I think, (y/n) got kidnapped," he said.

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