"You have two red-haired granddaughters Dante, leave this one for me" Connor points and Dante pouts.

"And they are here to keep him company" Raine announces as she walks in.

"Videl, Adero" Dante squeals as he jumps and rush towards them.

Adero moves away from her grandfather who crashes into little Videl who goes to fall down but Devilin grabs the girl.

"No" Videl shouts as she points a finger at the man before she scolds him shaking her head moving her hands.

"You...you...you don't love me?" Dante sniffs kneeling in front of Videl who pouts before she starts to sniffs and then they both hug each other before starting to cry.

"Adero" Dante calls the girl who sighs before she steps close and pats on Dante's shoulder.

"The world has not come to end, gramps" she mumbles before moving away from him.

"Cold-hearted just like her father" Dante glares at his first born.

"Be glad you get to even see them" Devilin mumbles as he grabs Videl's hand and pulls the girl away.

"Did you see what your son did?" Dante asks his mate.

"Yeah, pulled Videl away before she wiped her nose in your jacket" Jean points and Dante narrows his eyes at the girl who grins.

"Little Devil" he mumbles.


"Yes, she is asleep" Devilin nods his head.

"Yeah, she will sleep all day long"

"Yes, she wakes up to eat"

"No, she is too young to play with you"

"I know it's no fun to you"

"No, you cannot have a baby now"

"What do you mean by why? You are too young" Devilin narrows his eyes at his daughter who keeps poking Destiny's cheek before asking questions to her father signing them to him.

"Now who told you babies are blessing and everyone should have it?" he asks before Videl points her finger at her mother.


"I did not say that" Raine shouts before Videl points her finger at Dante.

"Do you really think I will let anyone talk to her that way so they can take her away, no way" Dante argues before Devilin watches his daughter cover her mouth and giggle as she keeps pointing at everyone.

"Videl" Devilin warns the girl who laugh as she jumps and dances to where her father was.

"You little naughty" Devilin pinches her nose and she giggles before she buries her face in his chest.


"Aww, I want to have one" Raine coos as she watches little Destiny yawn and stretch.

"As if anything is stopping you" Jane scoffs as she touches her daughter's nose and smiles.

"She is so beautiful" Raine points.

"As long as she is healthy, she will always be beautiful" Jane sighs as she nuzzles her daughter's nose.

"You ready?" Devilin asks as he knocks at the door and Raine turns to smile at her mate.

"You are leaving already?" Jane asks as she sits up and Devilin walks in nodding his head.

"Work" he points and she nods before picking up her baby.

"Look, it's Uncle Dev, he is leaving so say goodbye baby" Jane coos at her daughter.

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