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Night time

Jungkook point of view

It is almost 2:30 in the morning and I still can't sleep i think it is because im not used to this environment but deep down I know it's not it only

It's because of him also "because I am worried damn it" his words keep repeating in my head what if he really cares about me? What if he loves me a little bit? I but would he leave jimin and came to find me? I i don't think so

I let out a deep sigh and closes my eyes hoping to fall asleep i slightly smiles in comfort when I heard taehyung sweet laugh in my head "why the hell are you smiling in your sleep" i heard yoongi hyung voice

I opened my eyes to only see yoongi hyung leaning against the door "was i" i play dump he smiled and nodded "anyway i think I'll go for a walk" he said i frowned

"now its almost three" said he shrugged and looked at me "i need some fresh air" he said i nodded and he left my room i close my eyes again and tried to sleep

Yoongi point of view

I looked at my watch its 2:55 he should be here by now i sit on the side walk and looked around the streets are silent like always ahhh how i miss this place i wish i was here with jimin

Jimin and i plan all this to make taehyung realize , he is a guy who is full of himself no doubt he is good looking hard working and good at everything but once jimin left him he refused his heart from loving anyone

Jimin left for a reason because he wants to study more but his dad was not letting him so he ran away to his grandma in japan to study he doesn't contact anyone because he fear his dad will find him and make his life hell

Taehyung was hurt he was just protecting himself but he unintentionally hurted jungkook when jungkook came in his life we all saw how his life start to get happier how he start to laugh again

Taehyung and jimin love was fondness a good friendship which they confuse for love they were not wrong they both were young at that time so i tried and contact jimin to plan all this till then his feelings for taehyung totally finished and same for taehyung but he takes time in recognizing it

In a distance i could hear a car coming through i smirked to myself and stood up and walk to road the car get closer and closer and stopped right in front of me i was right it was taehyung

He get off the car and in fast pace he walked towards me "where is he?" he asked i could see eagerness and anger in his eyes "upstairs" i said he was about to enter inside but i stopped him

"taehyung he really loves you" i said he lowered his gaze knowing what I mean he ignored my sentence and hurriedly went inside aish this tiger


Any thoughts

My Rude Husband ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora