the lab

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tony's pov

i walked to the lab, with rosie and peter closely on my tail. she had put on her old shoes as she 'didn't want to ruin the new ones'. we walked through the door so i decided to ask "are you going to college with pete this year rosie"
"ummm kind of, i'm going to online college to just nyu instead of mit. i chose to do it online because at our old school people were weird about how young we were. pete said his was more to do with not wanting to leave new york. and i guess nyu is pretty far from queens."
"what are you studying"
"biochemistry, i'm very excited"
"sounds exciting, not my field of specialty but it is doctor banners"
"i know, i'm a bit of a fan girl" she said which caused all 4 of us to chuckle
"you may be my first rosie"bruce told the girl
"well i'm happy to be" we continued doing stuff around the lab, and i admired rosies incredibly abilities, despite not wanting to go into engineering.

i decided to get to know her a bit better.
"so rosie, if you dont mind me asking, how did you get your powers"
"oh no i dont mind, ummm before my parents died they were like 'mad scientists' and i was there test dummy. so i ended up with these cool abilities" she said smiling. the rest of us were slightly taken a back by how casually she replied, including peter who i assumed was yet to hear this story "but then they died because my dad was drunk driving and crashed. i was in the car but because of the experiments and being in the back, i was able to survive and quickly get back to full strength" she looked down slightly saying this and her smile faltered slightly "sorry i'm rambling, what should i do next mr.stark?"
"umm i think dr.banner could use some help if you're up for it" the small girl in front of me turned to bruce her eyes lighting up
"really" she asked trying to contain a grin
"yeah i'm looking at these equations if you want to help" at this rosie broke out in a grin and exclaimed
"yes! i would very much want to help" and walked over to the section bruce was working in
"hey rosie, hows your homework coming along" peter asked before she was out of earshot
"finished it"
"of course you have" he said whilst smiling and shaking his head.

bruce's pov

"so dr.banner what can i assist you with?" rosie asked smiling at me. my heart warmed seeing the girls sincere excitement to work with me
"i was just working on solving this equation"
"oh right, can't you simplify that down to 2x squared by integrating it?" she asked pointing to the section i was working on
"yes, yes you could. how did you notice that so quickly?"
"i can read 20000 words a minute" she said continuing to look at the equation
"mind if i leave you here to solve this, i'll be back in a minute"
"okay dr. banner" i mouthed to tony 'oh my god' pointing my eyes at rosie in which he just smiled in response. i then left the room to gather the things to finish my experiment.

when i re-entered the room rosie looked up at me "mr.stark said i could move on to the others if i finished, was that okay? i can erase it"
"that's fine rosie" i said looking at the equations. once i realised all 5 had been solved correctly my mouth gaped open in shock
"careful brucey you might catch flies"tony shouted to the other side of the lab
"hey tony, want to come see this" to which he walked over
"did i do something wrong?" rosie asked cautiously "i'm really sorry if i did, i didn't mean to" at this point tony was also looking at the board mouth open "umm no you didn't do anything wrong"he said to which rosie let out a sigh of relief.
"this took her less than 5 minutes"i informed him
"and its all right"
"i dont think i've ever been this impressed and i once watched natasha kick two hydra soldiers in a head simultaneously whilst punching another, knocking all 3 out"
"wow" was all tony could say
"double checking i didn't do anything wrong, you guys have been staring at that for a long time"
"no, you did something very right kid"tony told her "okay cool"
"very very impressive work rosie" to which the girl smiled. rosie and i quickly established a way for us to work in a fluent rhythm and i thoroughly enjoyed working with her. it felt as if only minutes had passed but fridays voice quickly informed us dinner was ready. as we were walking up rosie looked up at me curiously
"do you guys eat 3 meals a day everyday" i tried to contain my shock at the question, which she said very casually
"yes we do"
"wow that's really cool"
"umm yeah it is" i said as we were about to walk into the kitchen


nats pov

rosie and bruce were the last people to enter the kitchen, seemingly mid conversation. rosie sat in the empty seat between wanda and tony whilst bruce opted to sit between me and clint. all the plates were already in position so i assume they both looked at the portion sizes and quickly recognised whose was whose. most of the table were having conversations, including rosie who was talking and laughing with wanda whilst eating. i looked at the happy girl and couldnt help but smile at how well she fit in with the group. bruce whispered in my ear"you know rosie just asked if we eat 3 meals day everyday and told us some pretty interesting stories"
"really like what" i whispered back
"parents treated her as a lab experiment, but she said it so casually" hearing this i had to hold composure, which was easy with my talents
"doesn't sound like a happy childhood" i responded
"no, no it doesn't" and with that we continued our conversations with the rest of the table. rosie left at around 8 after finishing half of her food.

about every avenger who knew how to drive offered her to drive, except tony who just offered her a room. she denied all our offers and told tony she would think about his before thanking us for the dinner, hugging wanda and beginning her walk home. the rest of us sat together in the living room after she left.
"that is the smartest kid"tony stated "sorry pete"
"oh no need, i'm well aware" he replied
"wait really" i said with a smile, feeling proud of the young girl for the impression she had made
"she solved these equations, the first of which took me hours to get halfway through in a matter of minutes. all of them. i walked back into the room in complete shock"bruce stated
"she may be smarter than me" tony said causing the entire group to look at him. this was not something tony said lightly
"oh my god she must be smart then" sam said
"and a mighty good runner" steve added
"we need her" sam,bruce tony and steve all said in unison. this caused peter,wanda and myself to grin, glad the rest of the group liked her as much as we did. "i guess we'll have to see what we can do" i stated bluntly before we all watched a movie.

this feels like a bad time for it to not be peter (wrong number)Where stories live. Discover now