Chapter four ~ Awakening

Start from the beginning

-" What would I have done if you left?" Karen smiled at the words he spoke to Amelia. When Karen looked up her father entered the room and saw Andrew kneeling there next to Amelia. He walked up to him and touched his shoulder and started to speak.

-" Andrew? What are you doing here in Florida?" Andrew stood up and looked at Amelia's father, he cleared his voice and began to speak.

-" Sir, I--I love your daughter when I heard of her death I broke down into a thousand pieces, I can't live without her sir." Amelia's father smiled and brought him in for a hug, and he spoke to him.

-" I'm glad to hear that, but how did you get here?" Andrew looked over at Amelia and back at her father and spoke softly.

-" I used my money I was saving for collage, it's worth being here with her though I'd give anything to be by her side when she's in need or hurt." He smiles and walks back over to Amelia and held her hand as Amelia's father walked up behind him. He set his hand on Andrews shoulder, Andrew flinched terrified of the words about to come out of his mouth, but it did t really bother him after a minuet as long as he was next to Amelia he was happy.

-" Son, treat her sweetly and love her the way she deserves to be loved, but if you hurt her... You better run boy." She patted his shoulder and Andrew just nodded his head still smiling at Amelia.

A few days went by, the ended up getting a hotel room right next door to the hospital. Karen though wouldn't leave Amelia's side, not again. As Karen at in the chair she watched Amelia so peaceful, so quiet her breathing looked like it had began to slow down, she jumped up and walked over to her quickly as Andrew entered the room with food. Karen started to speak to Amelia.

-" I'm not letting you go this time, Amelia." She ran out of the room not even noticing Andrew, Andrew ran over to Amelia dropping the tray full of food, yelling out to the doctors.

-" Help! Her's.... It's slowing down! Please someone!" The doctor ran into the room with Karen and started pumping her heart with his hands until her heart beat went up, it was stabilizing quickly and she went back to normal. Andrew hung his head and spoke with his cracking voice.

-" I shouldn't have left you, this could have been it and... And I left you for food. I'm sorry Amelia I won't leave you again." He picked her hand up and kissed it softly when he set it back down on the bed and he took a seat he heard a weakened soft voice speak through the quiet room.

-" If you don't leave my side for food then you'll starve to death" he popped up and ran to Amelia she was looking at him smiling he bent down and hugged her for well over three minuets she cried as she saw Karen asleep in the chair. She tried to sit up the best she could and spoke with her gentle voice.

-" Can you wake up Karen please Andrew?" She wiped her face from the tears that had secretly escaped her eyes. She wasn't sad though she was just so happy that her sister was sitting with her all this time. Andrew walked over to Karen and woke her up, Karen blinked her eyes and stretched, when she noticed Amelia smiling at her while sitting up she ran to her and hugged her so tightly, Amelia didn't know rather to laugh or cry so she just did both.

-" Karen, where's mom and dad?" Amelia spoke while pushing her brown curly hair behind her ear. Karen stood up and called them and put Amelia on the phone.

-" Mom? Dad?.... Yes it's really me.... Where are you guys..... Please hurry." She then hung up the phone and her parents where on the way. The tears wouldn't stop flowing down her face. Andrew the. Took a tissue and wiped her tears asking her a question.

-" Why are you so sad Amelia?" He stared into her eyes and reached up and hugged him and answered him.

-" I'm not sad I'm happy, just so happy family is here and most of all you are here." She let go of him and he sat on the bed to her and whispered to her.

-" I love you Amelia" she smiled and started to blush, with her cheeks bright red she went to reply.

-" I lov---" the doctor came in and interrupted her. The doctor pushed her back on to the bed and listened to her heart and took blood and left not saying anything to them just taking everything and leaving. Andrew scooted back up close to Amelia and helped her sit back up again. When she sat up and drank some water her mother came i to the room, walking straight towards her stand hugged her, holding her so tight her father joined in on the hug. Amelia was so happy she started to cry again.

-" I'm so happy you guys are here." Andrew stood up and walked towards the door, he looked back at Amelia and her family and walked out of the room and sat on the chair outside of her room. He bent over and let a few tears drip from his face, meanwhile Amelia was in the room already wanting to walk, she moved her feet off the bed and slid down with Karen in front of her just in case, Amelia struggled but got it down after an hour or two.

Andrew finally entered the room again and he had looked like he had been crying the whole time he was gone. He walked up to Amelia's bed and sat down on it next to her crossed legs. He patted her legs and looked her in the eyes and smiled, he said nothing just smiled, not that he needed to Amelia automatically blushed as he looked into her eyes. She then looked down and back up to lock her eyes back with his, she smiled and said softly.

-" What more could I ask for?" The. The doctor came in and took her blood again. Nothing else just blood, and left again. Something weird was going on, and Karen didn't like it at all.

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