chapter 26

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R- so now race from here and yaa I and Aryan will be on same bike and u both S- but
R-then no ride no race and I aryan will ride from here to mansion
All- okkkkkk we will do according to u only
Then they go on their bikes
Vansh whisper something in sejal ear
R- what u are whispering if u are planning to cheat then it will not be good for u
V- naah sweetheart I don't cheat

R-we will see acha start
They started to race with each other and was not at far with each other but Vansh was not in his full speed as he thought that riďdhima will not be able to compete
S-plase speed up
V- just chill she is far from us
S- u don't know her she is not too far
V- what do u mean to say
Voice-that I am best and I can tackle anyone easily
V- u  what are u doing u was far
A- but not now
V- what how can u
R- that u are so naive that u can't find anyone tricks
R- Aryan hold me tightly
Listening her words Vansh was glaring her in jealousy
But aryan was still holding backside
A-list cool yaar I can handle myself easily
S-if u have forgotten let me remind u that last time we had race u were behind on that race and u was about to hit road if ridhu hasn't hold u that day remembering this  riddhima hold his hand and put it on her waist and said again hold
While Vansh was just glaring her and if his eyes has power to kill anyone by his that look
V- sejal u should hold me because I am going to speed up
Listening his first line only she had taken lead and going far by winning so  he also take escalator
and wasn't  now away so
V shout- what happen sweetheart saying this he take some more speed and now they beside each other  he gave her sign of saying that
V- u wanna finish this race soon taki we can sit on one bike I behind u and hold u like that sweetheart listening this she startsd glaring him and then give her reply also in sign
R-if I dare to touch me then see
Arjal- what u guys are doing
Riansh- nothing
Arjal - no u are
R- really aryan don't forget that u r sitting behind me and u sejal we have to go home back
A-but ridhu
While Vansh was giving her smirk as he thought that what will happen after lunch  but then he sees the varly sealing and says
V- now sejal
Sejash -we won
They shout and stop their bike and give hifi to each other and
S-acha hua that u said me in starting to do
Flashbach start
V whisper to sejal - when I will say now sejal then hold me tightly
S- but why
V-because we will distract them and at last I will shout shout sejal near the  winning point so we could win and they will not alert because it will be incomplete sentence and they will be thinking what it is and that time we will take lead and will win
Flashback end
Who really win ,scene of arjal and the thing because of which Vansh was smirking

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