Chapter 3

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"Albedo? Albedooo?" 

Albedo snapped back to reality, and saw the mint haired girl calling out to him.

"S-Sorry-" He apologised, "I was just thinking about something."

Albedo was thinking about Sucrose

"It's all right!" Sucrose smiled as she continued her presentation. Albedo soon followed. The following few minutes were spent in silence, interrupted only by the two's frantic typing. Albedo sighed, bored with the two's lack of activity.

"Are you hungry?" Albedo said, breaking the silence. Sucrose nodded. Albedo closed his computer and stood up, walking out of the room.


Sucrose breathed a sigh of relief as Albedo left. It was so awkward to be seated next to Albedo! Sucrose pondered, unable to stop her heart from pounding. She sat awkwardly on the bean bags, waiting for Albedo to return with whatever meal he had obtained. Sucrose remained for a few more minutes before getting up and exiting the room, impatiently. What is it that is taking him so long? Sucrose thought.

Sucrose walked aimlessly around the house before she found the kitchen, with Albedo and Klee inside. 


"Klee, what happened!?" Albedo asked, slightly shouting. There was milk and milo powder all over the floor.

"I was trying to make milo, then dodoco made a big mess!" Klee said in guilt, pointing at her fox like toy. Albedo sighed, before noticing Sucrose was standing in the hallway.

Do you feel the same way about me? (Sucrose x Albedo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن