Chapter 1: The Eyes of Justin

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Justin's pov

    We're at the second track meet of the season, I see Waurch's son from across the field preparing for the long distance run. I see the sweat dripping down his face from the heat. I want to look away but I can't seem to tear my eye's away. He looks over and catches my eye, smiling my way. How dare he smile at me, right before we have to race against each other.  I hear the announcer yell out "Boys mile runners come to the start!" As I make my way down to the track I feel something brush my shoulder, I look over to see Waurch's son looking down at me.  He wish's me good luck, I quickly shuffle away to lane three. Waurch's son usually is in lane one but today he choose lane two, I bet he's doing this just to screw with me to win. 

   The flare goes off signaling the race has begun. I try to pace myself but then I see Waurch's son speed up ahead, occasionally looking back at me. I can't believe the speed he's going right now especially this early in the race. God he's so talented...At everything! He has never had to work for any his skills. As much as I hate him, I wish I could do what he could. Just be good at things and not have to try.  

Focusing back onto the race, I'm in the last stretch. I feel my legs ache and my stomach churn, but I have to push myself. Waurch's son has already finished the race, and there's one more person ahead of me. I finally make it to the end, I beat my record 5 minutes and 20 seconds. But per usual I'm placed in third and Waurch's son is first. God... I can feel the heat raising up through me.  I feel as if I could puke but then I look up and see him. That bastard! How dare he look at me like that! With that stupid goofy smile on his face, so proud of himself. He didn't even have to try, and he knows it. I could punch him, but it wouldn't do much I'd only get disqualified. 

I see him try walking up to me but just in time my friends come up to congratulate me on beating my record. He soon gives up trying to push pass the group of people. He shakes his head and looks down towards his feet. He seems sad and disappointed. Why would he be? He beat everyone  placing in first. I don't know why but I feel a twinge of guilt in the depths my stomach. I shouldn't be feeling guilty he's the one who won! I see him walking away towards his team, shaking his head. 

The last I see of him that night is him being surrounded by his team and friends. Probably being congratulated by them, although it doesn't take much for him to do well. I walk away with my friends towards the front of the school. While we wait for our parents to pick us up I tell them about Waurch's son. 

"Yea he kept looking back at me during the race." I said

"That's mad weird! What the hell is his obsession with you." Jordan complained "This has been happening since the end of last season!"

"I honestly don't know it's kinda getting weird at this point."

I was going to tell them more about the Waurch's son situation but then I see a car pulling up beside us.

"Justin it's time to go home hun!" 

I sighed, telling Jordan I'd text them later. I climb into the car and get ready for a long and tiring ride home. My mom asks about the meet, I tell all her about it leaving out the part about Waurch's son. I hear the usual lecture on how I could do so much better, even though I beat my record. No matter what grades I get, what place I get, or how much I succeed she still is never satisfied. 

A/N: To anyone reading this that doesn't know me, this is a complete joke with the help of two of my friends. But now we're to invested to stop so we will continue this until the story is complete. Enjoy ig... The next post will probably be on tuesday. <3

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