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〖   one cannot cheat destiny   〗

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one cannot cheat destiny

   SHE IS RULED by destiny. Every part of her life morphed and shaped to fit along the inevitable path of fate.

   She's almost six, and she can't tell you what her favorite color is. She can't even tell you her favorite candy, since she's never had the luxury of tasting such sweets. But soon, she will be able to tell you her purpose in life.

   She can hear the voices of multiple men in the room behind her as she waits outside. She presses her ear to the door and listens to their grunts and grumbles. A louder voice decides to cut the seemingly calm discussion.

   "She's a child! Don't tell me you old geezers are  afraid of a little girl." She recognizes the voice as the man who had brought her here, Gojo Saturo. A tall man with fair white hair and the most vibrant blue eye she'd ever seen, who, upon their first meeting, had stared down at her with a playful smirk and chuckled at her impassive demeanor.

   You remind me of that little brat, he had told her as he ruffled her hair. She hadn't bothered asking him to specify who this 'brat' was. She figured it won't matter. She wasn't planning to make any new friends any time soon, and so she would never expected to meet that mysterious kid.

   There was something about Gojo that told her he wasn't a threat—at least not to her. Perhaps it was his spirited nature that made the surrounding atmosphere a little more bright, or maybe it was the underlying strain behind those bright eyes that made her realize he was, undoubtedly, a human with emotions.

   "Watch yourself, Saturo."

   She could hear the named man scoff viciously at the threat.

   "And what could you possibly do to me?"

   "Do you have no manners? Sit down and be silent!"

   "What do I need to do to get it through your thick skulls that the girl out there is a kid?"

   "The girl out there is a demon!" -sudden silence- "She's a threat to the whole world. Imagine if she were to go against us? Who could stop her?"

   "I could. I am the strongest, after all. Did you already forget? I know the dementia must be kicking in, old man." Gojo's voice is sickeningly sweet and dripping with venom.

   "She has to die before she gets any stronger."

   "What if we were to postpone her death until she ate all of Sukuna's fingers?" A new voice she doesn't know. "Surely she would be a suitable vessel and once she's eaten all the fingers, we kill her and, with her, the King of Curses?"

    Murmurs pick up amongst the men as this discuss this proposal. More ideas are thrown out, most are supposedly rejected. Finally, a silence washes over the group as the decision is confirmed.

   "We'll except your plan, Suguru. The girl will die after she's consumed all of Sukuna's fingers. This meeting is over."

   She's pulls herself back from the doors as they swing open and out comes a fuming Gojo and a drained Suguru at his side. Upon seeing the girl, Gojo's quick to fix his mood, but she could feel the fury radiating off his body. She stares into his sunglasses for a moment, before dragging her eyes to the floor. Gojo sighs and turns to Suguru, who simply pats his shoulders before walking away. She purses her lips as she replays the last minutes of the meeting in her mind.


   He perks up at his name, looking down to see her. He's already discarded his playful persona, replaced with a serious expression and contemplative eyes.

   "Am I going to die?"

   He winces ever so slightly at her question. And when he answers, he doesn't meet her eyes, instead focusing on the palms of his slender hands. He suddenly looks unbelievably tired, the prospect of death once again weighing on his back.

   "I- No," he pauses. "Not yet."

   "Will it be soon?"

   Gojo clenches his hands, unclenches them, drops them by his sides. Then he rolls his neck, claps his hands, and turns to her with a smile spread across his lips.

   "Kanako-chan, ever have kikufuku?"

   She can deduce that the information regarding her death isn't something Gojo wants to discuss with her. She reluctantly accepts  his choice to move to a lighter subject, besides she shouldn't be concerned with the end of her life when it's barely starting.


   Gojo grabs her shoulders, giving her a harsh shake. She blinks in confusion and surprise at his sudden energy.

   "WHAT? You haven't had the best sweet ever placed on this planet?"

   "I haven't had any sweets before."

   Upon hearing that, he gasps louder, grasps her hand, and starts tugging her towards the exit.

(  . t h e  d e v i l ' s  b l e s s i n g )

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