"Why the fuck are you covering the hole?"I asked him putting the gun away

"Why you quick to grab the gun?"he said letting himself in

"Where the girls?"

"Upstairs playing I ordered them a pizza"I said sitting down

"We gotta handle the Cole issue tonight so you got someone to watch em?"He asked

"Yhh Akira got her babysitter I'll call her"I said getting out my phone

"She trustworthy?"he questioned

"Yes she been with us for years,don't worry Kairi in good hands"I assured him

"Good or that's yo ass"

"That's who ass shut that shit up"I said laughing at him

I called the babysitter and got ready to out tonight.

About 30 minutes later, we said bye to the girls and headed out the door.

"So how we doing this?"I asked east

"We going with my team an-"I stopped him right

"Ah no can do ,I want my girls"I protested

"We don't need anymore girls we got queen"he said

"I don't care I want my girls they need to shoot living things or sum"I said Starring at him

We had a lil starring contest till he broke

"Fuck fine get your girls but we have both our peoples,but don't let them fuck it up"He said

"Never" I said making some phone calls

Dave PoV

After 1 hour we was good and ready to go

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After 1 hour we was good and ready to go

"Yall ready to go up in the meeting and get this shit done?"Nala said to everyone

They all respond a simple yep

"Ight let's go you know the plan stick to it unless it go real left"I said before we got in the cars and drove to the spot

As soon as we got there we all walked in the building ignoring security and shit.

It was quiet as we walked

And I noticed Nala wearing some damn heels

"Nala why the hell you wearing heels right now"I asked her quietly

"Because I look cute and this shit ain't finna stop that so hush"she said simply

We went up the stairs and disturbed the meeting junior was in

Junior was the ring leader of this gang tryna be brought out selling in our place.

All his security raised their guns

"Now hol up ain't no need for allat,we just came to talk"I said smiling

Junior paused for a second before telling them to lower their guns

"How can I fuckin help yall?"He asked making his philly accent come out

"We heard you wanted some money to move out our section"

"Yhh that's fuckin right so where it at?"he asked

"See that aint gonna work out for us"Nala went on

She began walking around the room

"This is a non negotiable deal okay?"she said smiling
"You take you and your so called gang and fuck off back to where you came from"She said standing at the end of the table

"This bitch fuckin playin right"He said raising his voice and standing up

Immediately our guns was up and so was there

"Does it look like I'm playin? How old are you Jamal Junior Kole Harris"Nala asked

"How the fuck you know my full name?"he asked

"We know everything bout you Jamal,how yo pops doing in jail,I know a 6 years inside must be hard"I said putting my feet up

"And how's your moms at home with your sisters ooh did Hazel get into the college of her choice?"Nala asked

"H-h-hhow?"he stuttered

"I told you we know everything,look man you making this shot longer than it need to be,you leavin or what?"I said getting irritated

Nobody's POV

It was silent for a while

"NO!"Jamal said slamming his hand in the table

"No?"Nala asked

"NO!" Jamal yelled

"No?"East asked

"NO,NO,NO"Jamal yelled

"How bout now"nala said

East clicked his finger and within 5 seconds all of jamals boys were done

"Made up your mind now?"Nala asked him

"FUCK! Fine fine fine we will be gone by tomor"

"Ah nope tonight please"Dave interrupted

Jamal kissed his teeth "fine tonight"

"Good now let's hope we don't have to go through this again,good night Jamal tell your moms I said hi"Nala said beofre walking out

"Nice talk"East said leaving with everyone else behind them.

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