The hostages then ran out of the bank. All six kids walked slowly towards the vault, watching the shadow of Ben as he killed the robbers. Ben then came out the vault drenched in blood.

"Can we go home now?" Ben shakily asked.

Y/N then walked up to Ben and held his hand, while nodding and smiling softly at him. Five just watched the scene play out then looked at their hands.

All 7 kids then walked out of the bank and posed.

1 year later

After putting a record on to play the children's mother rang a bell signaling that it's time to eat. The eight kids walked in the living room and stood behind their chairs waiting to be able to sit. Hargreaves then walked in and took a seat signaling that the kids can sit. After everyone was seated they began to eat.

Luther glanced across him at Allison who shyly looks down. Diego takes a knife and carved into his chairs arm while Klaus rolled up a cigarette under the table. Ben was reading a book while eating while Five was staring their father down. Vanya looked at him while Y/n was staring Five down and shook her head. Five looked at her, then at Vanya to see that she is also shaking her head, then looks back at their father. He looks down then picks up his knife and stabs it into the table and looks at their Father. Everyone looks up at Five while Y/n shook her head and Vanya sighed while looking down.

"Number five?" Hargreeves asked.

"I have a question" Five stated.

Everyone besides Five went back to eating as Hargreeves talks.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."

Y/N looked at Five as he shoved his plate away.

"I want to  time travel" Five demanded.

"No" Hargreeves simply answered.

"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said to" Five argued before he teleported next to HHargreeves. Y/n just shook her head and sighed.

"A spatial jump is trivial compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding on ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn" Hargreeves explained.

"Well I don't get it" Five said.

"Hence the reason you're not ready" Hargreeves stated.

Five looked at Vanya to see that she's shaking her head at him. He then looked at Y/n to see her nothing no to him. Five looked at Hargreeves and continued.

"I'm not afraid"

"Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable. Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore" Hargreeves demanded.

Y/n watched as Five's anger grew. Five then walked out of the academy as his father yelled after him.

"Number Five! You haven't been excused! Come back here!"

Y/n then got up and started to go after him.

"Number eight! Sit down, you haven't been excused either"

"Shut up" Y/n said while she left she the academy.

"Number Eight!"

Y/N ran out the academy to see Five right before he time traveled.

"Five!"Y/n yelled while running to the spot he was just standing in.

"Five!" Y/n yelled again while looking around. Meanwhile Five had already traveled to the apocalypse. He looked around and saw building destroyed and on fire. He then remembered his family so he turned around and ran towards the academy. He stopped and looked at the academy. He then started to call his siblings.



Five then started to look around.

"Y/n" He whispered.

"y/n" he said a little louder.

"Y/n!" He yelled.

He then looked around before he looked at the academy and dropped to his knees.

8 months later at the academy

Y/n couldn't sleep. She was thinking about her best friend. Usually in this kind of situation her and Five would go and do something but he was gone. She then looked at the ceiling and read the equations. Her and Five were trying to figure out time travel since he was so obsessed with it. Y/n then started to play with her powers. Since her powers were force fields she started to put farce fields on everything. Until she accidentally released one. The force field surrounded her while she was floating. Y/n then started to panic. She tried to stop her powers but couldn't.

"Help!" Y/n yelled.

Y/n then started to have a panic attack. She started to hyperventilate and started to panic even more.

"H-help!" Y/n yelled again.

"Help! Anyone! Please!" Y/n yelled as she cried.

"P-please! I can't breathe!" Y/n yelled once again.

Then suddenly Diego, Luther, Allison, and Ben rushed into her room and watched in shock. Luther than tried punching the force field but that didn't work.

"Move out of the way and let me show you hows it done" Diego said while pushing Luther out of his way.

Diego than took out a knife and threw it at the force field. The knife then disappeared. Y/n then sucked in the force field as her eyes whitened. Diego then ran to her, jumped on the bed, and grabbed her.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Diego yelled.

Y/n then disappeared. Diego's eyes widened as he looked down at his hands.

"Y/n?" Diego quietly questioned.

Everyone else just watched the scene in horror.

"What did you do?" Luther questioned.

"I-I don't know" Was all Diego could say.

With y/n

Y/n fell on the floor and hit her head. After a while y/n started to wake up. She lifted herself up and stood. She looked around to see that she was at the end of the world. Y/n then tried to remember how she got there but couldn't. She then looked around and started to yell.


"Hello! Is their anybody out there?!"

Y/n stopped yelling and assumed that she was alone. She then decided to run and look around. Y/n ran, and ran, until she bumped  into someone pulling a wheelbarrow (couldn't remember the name). She fell back on the floor and sat up. She looked up to see Five. As soon as she saw him her face lit up but as soon as he saw her he started to cry. Y/n got up and hugged him, after confirming that she's real he hugged her back.

"y/n? What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

Y/N's eyes widened. She broke the hug and looked at him. She held his face in her hands then spoke.

"My name is y/n?"

A/N: hope you guys liked this. I really do hope there were no mistakes. I didn't have time to reread. I believe I have become anextemeweirdolol. Their always saying that their tired and now I am the definition of tired. If you like Nrdd books then you have found the best author for them. Well from my knowledge so far their books are the best. Anyways bye my lovely's.

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