Visualising how a frown automatically replaced on the cheeky boy's cute expression from earlier, Mijin couldn't help but wheeze slightly. ❝ GOTCHA! I WAS JUST KIDDING! ❞ Pursing the coral lips shut before she talkatively converses, Mijin just continuously peeled the onions which spiced her eyes up with their bitter facts of nature.

It had felt like forever since she last smiled this much when Jay and she tore apart as a ripped page with horrible mistakes. But after all, those mistakes could be erased in a flash as if nothing happened at all.

The real Park Jongseong's changed, and he loves her. That could be pretty much concluded as Mijin's only importance in her life.

After washing his fingers, the gentleman gradually leaned in closer to check his girlie, suffering on her own without telling him. ❝ Eh, let me do it for you Mijinie. ❞ Insisting, the saccharine boyfriend just tried to help in the best way possible.

❝ It's okay, I'm strong enough to handle the spice. ❞ Behaving somewhat tough and independent as she always intended to be, the girl just kept on sniffing with her reddish nose as well.

Shaking his head numerous times, the goofy soulmate just inched closer to Mijin with a smirk before bending to match her height. ❝ No one or nothing can dare make the love of my life cry. ❞ Wiping with his aromatic fingers which were carefully caressing the corners of her teary eyes, Mijin felt her heart slowly melting like ice cream as it should.

Staring up into his twinkling orbs, Mijin felt her lips pouting themselves as she couldn't feel more glad than this.

It felt great to be secured with Park Jongseong's love and care which she's always been a huge fan of.

The dreamy gaze which she's drowning under made the girl's heart palpitate, just like a drum vibrating under affectionate people's hands.

But she didn't regret letting her beat for one certain person which was only Park Jongseong.

Pecking her forehead quickly before booking her nose, the sweet guy really had power and domination over her rapid heartbeats like he's the king of them. ❝ I love you and call me if you need help. ❞ Rubbing her chin adorably, the boy just left her for some space in case she needed to cool herself down from blushing so intensely.

Which she did as blood immediately rushed to her cheeks which were now painted with a pinkish-red colour of blush by nature.

Most of all, her heart's in lovely chaos at the moment as she just grinned while analysing Jay's broad back exit her sight.

❝ Guess the cheesy Jay's really back. ❞ , she murmurs to herself in the kitchen.


Bon appétit. ❞

After stressfully getting done with a cooking lesson which her charismatic boyfriend had offered to teach, the girl's finally able to enjoy the taste of her hard work.

❝ Is it good? ❞

After inhaling the delicious and captivating smell of the warmly cooked Kimchi-jjigae, Mijin could estimate that it'd taste not that bad at all.

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