Either way, her curse won't work on that punk anyway.

Love made her like this.

Love turned her into a weak and helpless person like this.

Staring up at the gigantic condominium from above, Mijin hopefully wished that there'd be a rushed Park Jongseong running to her and saying that it's all a misunderstanding and that Mijoo unwantedly made him kiss.

But there's no one walking in the empty air behind her.

Guess she had huge expectations for nothing after all.

❝ Fuck you Park Jongseong....❞ , she murmurs as her reddish eyes were getting teary like before.

How could he do this to her, who's his only soulmate to exist in this world?

How can he throw her away like trash as if she didn't matter to him after using?

Mijin could finally admit to herself that she's such a fucking dumbass to let her feelings be played and bewitched by the sly devil Park Jongseong. Fuck love. She's such a funny joke to herself and the whole universe by now.

Smiling bitterly at the sunny sky, the agonized girl smiled like a fool towards the clean and bright surface.

No wonder why it's so clear and bright.

Legit is the opposite of her mood today.

Silly of her to think that her curse's already gone just by falling in love with a playboy, who unfortunately was her soulmate. Her life was so damned.

The effect grew onto the cloudy sky by now as Mijin's just waiting to get drenched in the rain like a loser and trash. She lost to an emotion called love and it couldn't be more stupid than this. Should she be rescued from falling into love by now? Although it's too late to rewind and accept Jay's destroyed contract at that time, she wished that she'd be still able to turn back time.

The aggrieved and traumatised youngster tried her best to stay calm but her mindset was staggering into deep sadness.

Lips pouting as she sobbed, the girl hopelessly busted into tears as the salty feeling stringed so deeply inside her heart. She felt like giving up on everything and disappearing so that she'd be able to avoid resentment.

But to her gloomy situation's surprise, everything wasn't going that bad at all.

❝ Don't cry yet, it's gonna rain here. ❞ Snatching her hand, the familiar boy speaks as he proceeded to take her along with him before they get soaked in heavy rain.

❝ Taehyun...w-what are you doing here—❞ Running before the rain gets them into a trap, the boy led themself to rest under a shelter for a while.

Damn it. Mijin shouldn't have smiled earlier. She really gives disadvantages to others and herself for real.

The blonde boy remained silent before letting his back face the broken girl. ❝ You can cry, I won't watch nor judge. ❞ , he reassures. Was she really that palpably crying like a loser earlier? How embarrassing of her to do so... She and Taehyun weren't even close so things made it even more awkward than ever.

❝ I won't....❞ Mijin replies shortly, with eyes laying on the ground.

Chuckling at the stubborn girl who also seemed to be baffled with her emotions, Taehyun just sighed before convincing her to let it all out. ❝ You do know that it's okay to cry sometimes, right? ❞ The downpour was urging her to continuously cry but the accursed one resisted.

❝ Yeah, but they can't turn me down like this. ❞ Filtering no colours or emotions on her poker face, the young female just sighed before grabbing a hold of her senses.

Her concrete words made the taller boy turn around with a little smile. ❝ You're a strong person and I envy you for that. ❞ The boy complimented although Mijin never expected to get remarked out of the blue.

Was she supposed to thank him? It's obvious that he's also pitying her right now. ❝ There's also another useful remedy if you need it. ❞ The girl knitted her brows since she'd feel very embarrassed to cry in front of Taehyun who's still just a mere acquaintance for her.

❝ There's nothing more comforting than sweet food at the saddest times. ❞ Placing the chocolate cake right in front of the youngster, the two acquaintances sat next to each other while facing the glassy window.

❝ Thanks....but what were you doing around the area that time? ❞ , she asked straightway before eating the scoop of her brownish lava cake. ❝ The gym where I work out is near that place. ❞ He explained if that'd lessen most of Mijin's suspicions on him. The boy heard her words that time.

❝ Fuck you Park Jongseong. ❞

Staring at her with wide and beautiful eyes, Taehyun was unsure whether to bring the depressing topic up but it'd make her feel less stressed with talking out, right?

❝ Sorry if you think I'm nosy but did something happen that led you to this? ❞ Tae's question made the girl sink into an overwhelmed mess as she stopped touching her small spoon. She still couldn't believe that she became a depressed shit just because of one silly emotion that'd just burn her heart into ashes.

Pausing for a while, she didn't know how to respond since she didn't wanna give that much of a clue to Taehyun whom she's still suspicious of. ❝ Nothing that serious, I'm just done with people using me. ❞ Pursing her lips into a thin line, the distressed one took a hot sip of the caramel frappuccino before staring outside which was having a downpour by the rain.

❝ I can relate to how that feels. ❞

Little did Mijin know, the boy who's sitting right next to her also received the same card from his ex.

Knowingly of a messy playboy like Jongseong, Jay must've used her somehow. Funny how people would be so merciless enough to not care about other's feelings.

❝ Hit me up if you need help. ❞ The fair-skinned boy's reassurance was filled with pure sincerity and hopefully, Mijin wouldn't misunderstand that. Nodding in confirmation as a sign of gratitude, the girl stared back into his dusky orbs which were also pretty.

Taehyun also has a beautiful smile now that Mijin'd realised.

sincere  one.

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