Seeing Buffy

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Spike asks the taxi driver to stop at a store before they go to Buffy's house. 

Spike buys some roses in the store. He goes back out to the taxi. 

The taxi arrives at Buffy's house. Spike gets out of the taxi and puts his coat over his head so he doesn't get burned from the sun.  He gets to her porch and he puts his coat back on. He lifts his hand up to the door and knocks.

Buffy: The doors unlocked, you can come in!

Spike opens the door and walks in. He closes the door behind him. He sees Buffy sitting on the couch.

Spike: You should keep this door locked. Someone dangerous might decide to come in.

Buffy: Or someone formerly dangerous-

She realizes who just walked in.

Buffy: S-spike?

Buffy tries to get up but she is in to much pain. She sits back down.

Spike: Buffy? Are you ok?

He walks over to her and sits next to her. He notices her stomach.

Spike:  Y-your... pregnant...?

Buffy: Yeah... I-I'm not sure how its possible.. 

Spike: Whos is it?

She looks up at him.

Buffy: Yours.

Spike: H-how-

Buffy: I have the gang researching it right now. I'm saying its a miracle baby.

Spike hands her the roses.

Spike: Here.. these are for you.

She smiles and takes them.

Buffy: aww, thank you.

She puts the roses on the table next to her.

Buffy: But.. how are you here?

Spike: Well.... somehow that necklace went to wolf ram and hart and it turned me into a bloody ghost, then a box of light got mailed there and I became corporeal again. Then there was an apocalypse, and then I decided to come here and see you.

Buffy: How come nobody called me to tell me?

Spike: Well.. Angel and I came here to uh.. visit.. and you weren't here.

Buffy: Oh.. the immortal thing.... we were never actually "together" or anything. He knew I was in love with someone else and he left.

Spike: In love with who?

Buffy: You.

She puts her hand on his cheek.

Buffy: I meant what I said.

Spike: You love me?

Buffy: I do, but I know you don't believe me..

She takes her hand off his cheek.

Spike looks down.

Spike: I'm sorry......

Buffy: No, I'm sorry. I treated you horribly and you don't have a reason to believe me.

A few tears roll down her cheek.

Spike: I-

Buffy hugs him and he puts his arms around her and hugs her.

Buffy: God, I missed you so much. I so badly wanted to tell you that what I said was true.

She cries and hugs him tighter.

Spike: Shhh pet, I'm here now.

She looks up at him.

Buffy: Can you promise me that you will never leave me ever again?

Spike: I promise.

She smiles a little bit.

Spike: And I have some bad news... well, I don't find it bad but I know you will.

Buffy: Oh god... what?

Spike: Angels......Dead.

Buffy: what?

Spike: He died in the apocalypse..

A few more tears roll down her cheek.

She wipes them away.

Buffy: I'm sorry.... he's my ex. I shouldn't be crying about him.

Spike: Buffy, you love him.... I-It's alright to cry..

She hugs him.

Buffy: I don't love him anymore. I've moved on.

She looks up at him.

Buffy: And I want to talk to you about something....

Spike: What?

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