The Battle

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Illyria: You're fading

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Illyria: You're fading. You'll last 10 minutes at best. 

Gunn: Then let's make them memorable.

Spike: And in terms of a plan ?

Angel: We fight.

Spike: Bit more specific

Angel: Well, personally, I kinda want to fight the dragon...

                                                                  Let's go to work.

Spike turns into vampire form and growls.

Angel turns into vampire form and climbs up some buildings to get up to the dragon

Illyria attempts to use some of her powers. She figures out how to push things away from her. She pushes the demons on the side of her more away from her and kills the ones ahead of her.

 She pushes the demons on the side of her more away from her and kills the ones ahead of her

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Angel pounces onto the dragon and fights it.

The dragon flails around but Angel holds on tight. He manages to chop off its neck and kill it. The dragons body falls to the ground and Angel lands on a sharp piece of wood and turns to dust.

Gunn sees the body and neck of the dragon come flying down to the ground.

Gunn: ANGEL?

Illyria looks behind her and looks over at Gunn

Illyria: He's dead.

She goes back to concentrating on fighting. Gunn is trying to fight but he has a horrible wound on his stomach. He falls to the ground. Spike goes over to him.

Spike: Your going to be all right, mate.

Gunn: i-i dont think so...

Spike: You will li-

Gunn dies right as spike is about to say live. 

Spike: Guess its just me and the blue girl.

Spike gets up and fights more of the demons. A demon cuts a hole in his jacket.


Spike and Illyria kill most of the demons and the rest run away.

Spike: well that was bloody pathetic. 

Illyria: Yes, very pathetic for their species.

Spike: You know what those things were?

Illyria: I know some of them were cyclops. I think a few trolls.

Spike: Well, it looks like they are gone so, im headed out. 

Illyria: I have no where to go..

 She whips her head around and stares at Spike.

Illyria:  may i go with you?

Spike: As long as you don't beat me up again.

Spike takes Illyria back to wolf ram and hart and sees the building is demolished. 

Spike: Maybe the private plane is still there.

Spike sees that the plane is indeed, still there. He takes Illyria into the plane and puts it in auto pilot mode. He sits down next to Illyria. The whole plane ride, they sit there in silence.

The plane finally lands. They are in Rome.

Illyria: I was starting to like that wolf ram and hart place.

Spike: Theres another one here.

Spike takes her to the wolf ram and hart thats there. Then he takes a taxi to Buffy's house.

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