Chapter 5

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Wayzz's POV:

The sun was shining through the window. I woke up early and make some tea. I looked at the other bed beside mine. It was empty. That's unusual..

"Happy birthday Wayzz!!" I screamed when Plagg suddenly screamed.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said while holding at my chest with deep and fast breath.

"Do you want me to die?" I asked still shocked.

"Geez. Kwamis don't die." He replied and put his hands on his hips.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" I asked. I lost track of my birthday. Kwami's birthdays were like hundreds of years before it happens again.

"I have a track of birthdays from each one of us." He quickly get his notepad. Since when he has time tracking our birthdays?

"Pollen's birthday was 23 years from now. Nooroo's 12 years. Duusuu was 70 years. Tikki's was 129 years. Trixx's were 256 years. Mine was just recent so around 700 years for the next one. And yours was.... Today!" He show me the date in the notepad. It was the same day as today.

"Since when you have time to such thing?" I asked.

"I don't know." He just shrugged and closed his notepad. "Any plans for today?" He asked.

"Na uh. I don't celebrate birthdays." I said and the teapot screeched. It was a sign that the tea was boiled. I grabbed the handle and removed it on the fire.

"Come on! You only celebrate once in several hundred years." Plagg said in disappointment.

"You're only interested with birthdays because Tikki got you a cake." I smirked at him and he became quiet.

"So what?" He looked away at me. I just chuckled. I poured my tea in my teacup. I sat on the floor and crossed my feet. I blew my cup and sip a bit of tea. It was delicious.

"Okay can we just be quick and go to class?" He was munching his cheese in his bed.

"It's Saturday. We have no class." He replied. I have a deep sigh and finished my tea.

Trixx's POV:

I finished drinking my milk and returned to my bed. It's Saturday. I can go back to sleep. I lay down and find a perfect position to sleep.

"Trixx!" I looked with annoyance and Tikki went to our direction. Pollen was still in bed, sleeping.

"Plagg just called. It's Wayzz's birthday today." She cheerfully said.

"Great." I yawned and smooshed my head in the pillow. Tikki pulled me from my bed and I fell down.

"What?! I'm sleepy." I groaned and got up.

"No sleeping. We have a surprise to make. Wake up now sleepy head." Tikki pulled Pollen from her bed and she also fell on the ground.

"Geez, if you want to wake someone up, just tap us. Not that you pull us from our beds. It still hurts." Pollen hissed while she rub her head.

"Sorry." Tikki awkwardly smiled and we slit our eyes at her.

"Come on. We only celebrate our birthdays once every several hundred years." She said.

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