"Who was it?" He asked. 

"Uh...no one. It was no one. I'll start this PowerPoint." I started to reach for my laptop when Drew grabbed my hand. My head snapped up looking at him. 

"You sure? You look upset." I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. 

"I'm fine. Trust me." He nodded and we both got to work. 


I stared at my face in the bathroom mirror. The handprint Bethany left on my cheek was bright red and huge, and I didn't have any makeup to cover it up, and my hair could only do so much. I sighed and brought all my hair to the side the handprint was on, trying my best to cover it. Knowing I couldn't cover the red mark any better, I left the bathroom and walked to the cafeteria. I saw my friends at our usual table and sat down. 

"Hey Cass. Where were you?" Alyssa asked. 

"Talking to my math teacher. The lesson we're one if really confusing." I didn't like the lying but just saying I was in the bathroom for ten or fifteen minutes was stretching even a half truth. 

"God I can't stand math. It just doesn't make sense at all." I chuckled and took a bite of my food. I stopped short when I heard the sound of heels clicking. "Why is Miss Dick Sucker on her way here?" 

"Not sure. Guess we're about to find out." Elizabeth growled.

"Hey guys. What's up?" 

"Not your IQ." Alyssa mumbled. 

Bethany tilted her head. "What was that." 

"Nothing at all. Now what do you want?"

"Oh, I just wanted to check up on Cassie. How has everything been for you? It's hard to believe you got here two months ago. Time flies, doesn't it?" 

I held off the urge to snap back at her but instead just smiled. "Everything has been just fine." 

"Good. You know, I seem to be remembering our last conversation. You never did tell me what you parents do for a living. I mean, if you are too embarrassed because their income isn't great, that is perfectly fine. I would never judge." By now, people had started to look over and listen in on the conversation. I knew what she was doing. 

"Has any ever told you it is rude to ask about how much people make? And to answer your question, my father works in finance. He's COO of the new company he joined."

"And your mother?" 

"Well because of moving all the time and the fact that this town is quite small, she isn't able to be a teacher but she nannies kids." It was a lie, obviously, but there was no way I was telling Bethany about my mom. Especially is I haven't even told my friends.

"I'm guessing that means she doesn't make much." I gripped my fork hard and Drew stood up. 

"I think that's enough Bethany." 

"Oh, don't worry. I'm only having a harmless conversation." Alyssa stood up after Bethany spoke again. 

"Harmless conversations don't make people want to throw their food at the person talking. Now go away before I throw my food in your eyes and down your throat." 

"Well that's a little rude." 

"Like you're one to talk. Now get out and leave Cassie alone." Drew's voice was sharp and hardened. He was angry. 

"Ugh, fine. So soft." 

"That's it you little-" Alyssa lunged for Bethany and I shot up out of my seat to grab her. 

When Sparks Fly (in editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin