"That's really not necessary," you protested. You didn't want him to feel like he had to pay you back.

"If you don't find me at lunch, then I'll take it upon myself to find you," he said, looking you straight in the eyes. You weren't sure what the latter condition entailed, but something told you that you wouldn't like it.

  As if he had perfectly timed it, the bell rang and he practically ran for the door, immediately making his way into the hall, leaving no time for a response.

You went to the hall as well, your brain feeling flustered.

  "Oh my god, I saw that. Did he threaten you?" The girl from the other day asked, clutching her books to her chest as she turned the other way, making sure he was nowhere near.

  "No," you said as if it were obvious.

  "He looked so scary. If he's threatening you, you can tell me and I'll tell the principal or something," she offered, continuing to look over her shoulder every so often.

  "It's fine. You don't have to," you assured her, your tone conveying exactly how awkward you felt.

  "I can't believe HueningKai is so mean to you. He copies all your answers and now he's threatening you? If it gets any worse, I'll tell the principal with you," she told you, looking you directly in the eyes.

  "Seriously, he's not mean. You seem to have a misconception of him," you told her, gripping onto the strap of your backpack.

  "There's no way. HueningKai is always mean and intimidating. I'm like, 90% sure he killed someone's cat before," she told her, trying to convince you.

  "And that 10% of uncertainty in your mind just so happens to be correct this time. You need to learn a lesson about not only gossip, but also judging by appearance," you huffed, being blunt with her. The only reason you were still walking was because the hallway was crowded or you would've stopped to add to the affect of your sentence.

  It seemed she stopped out of pure shock though, and was gaping at you as you came to a stop several feet ahead of her. The crowds keep going, bumping into you slightly, jostling you the smallest bit. Her mouth opened slightly, seeming like she was going to retort somehow, but someone bumped into her, almost deliberately, hitting her shoulder and making her stumble back a few feet, running into people as you turned back around and continued to walk to your next class.

  For all you knew, maybe HueningKai did kill someone's cat, but you chose not to believe that rumour.

  When lunch time came, you were prepared to make your way to your favourite lunch spot again, until you remembered HueningKai's possible threat. You doubt he meant it as a threat, but the way it was phrased gave it that feeling.

  You hadn't the slightest clue where he could've been. You started with the obvious option. The cafeteria. You didn't think he would be there, and you were right. Thus began your slightly awkward trek around the school hallways. You kept to the right side, able to hear your shoes clicking in the silence as you peeked around each corner.

  It would've been a lot more convenient if he had told you where he would be rather than making you walk around the entire school like a confused tourist.  You even checked the hallways for the older students, but you couldn't find him. You decided that if he wanted to find you, then so be it.

  On your way back to your classroom, your phone began to ring. You stepped outside the doors that led to the student parking lot. Immediately you'd regretted doing so because it was full of students revving their engines. You sighed and answered your phone.

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