"Make sure to be careful next time. Okay, Grim? There are lots of plants that've developed self-defence mechanisms that can be really dangerous to you, and on top of that there are probably plants in this world that are even more hazardous." The (h/c) haired male calmly chided, a slight frown present on his face as he stood up to his full height and looked down at the now healed mammal. "You never know what kind of messes you could get into until it's too late so I highly suggest making it a habit to be aware of your surroundings."


"...This world?..."

The first year froze as he realised his slip up, every single muscle in his body tensing as he turned his head to look at Ace and Deuce, the spunky ginger being the one to utter that question.
(E/c) eyes were wide as (name) tried to calm his breathing which had slowly began to speed up, unfortunately he remained unsuccessful.

"A- ah..."

"(Name)?... What does... where do..." The blueberry boy was no better than his companions at forming words, deep blue eyes holding obvious confusion as he tried to piece together what exactly was going on. "What do you mean by... 'this world'?..."

The flower boy swallowed thickly as Grim had quieted down to be as quiet as a mouse.
Even quieter than that.
He'd had a feeling that the other ramshackle resident was in a similar predicament as him, unknowledgeable of the ways of the world, so he wasn't quiet due to any shock but instead due to the knowledge that any words he spoke right now would immediately interrupt the serious discussion that needed to take place.
But as much of an important a conversation it was, (name) still dreaded every second of that moment.

"I-... I'm..." The poor flower boy was at a loss for where to begin. The countless flying thoughts, worries and anxieties only made him struggle harder to find the words, which made a long suspenseful silence draw out between the three them. As a result, the timid male's anxiousness would skyrocket and cause his brain to become even more jumbled, which would then make it even harder to form sentences. Causing an endless cycle that made the (h/c) haired male's eyesight grow fuzzy as his legs felt like they could no longer carry the weight of his body.

"I'm... not from here- not from this world..."
The first year managed to choke out, his breath erratic and eyes flitting across in every direction as his anxiety built up.
"My- my home- i- it i- it's not here... you won't find it anywhere..."
(Name) was clutching his chest with tightly gripped hands that clenched tighter and tighter the more he spoke and the more rapid his breathing became.
"I'm a stranger... to you- to this place- to this school- to everything-..."
His eyesight was covered with black spots, tears poking out of the corner of his eyes as his knees dipped, causing him to topple forward and land in someone's arms.
He didn't dare to look up, eyes paralysed as he looked down at the ground with shaky movements.
His whole body was shaking rapidly.
His legs were sprayed behind him like useless decorations.
His hands had gripped tightly onto the arms of the person who held him, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks as he struggled to get out any more words.
"...im sorry..."

But before he could get any worse, the anxious male felt something warm and soft touch his forehead as a calm voice spoke.
"I- it's okay, (name). You do- don't need to be so worried, we were just surprised." Deuce spoke in a calming tone, and even though he stumbled over a few words here and there, it brought a large amount of warmth into the timid male's body that was shaking so hard.

"Yeah! No matter where you're from we'll always care for you. And what's all that about being strangers to us? Didn't you hear what we told you during Athletics?" A friendly teasing smile grew on Ace's head as he lightly bonked the flower boy on the head with the back of his hand. "You're gonna need to get used to compliments for as long as we stay friends, and if I can help it, we're gonna stay friends for as long as know each other!"

Flower Boy [Various Twisted Wonderland x Male Reader] {{{OLD AND DISCONTINUED}}}Where stories live. Discover now