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The rumours had finally reached the ears of the Prince who had decided he was to personally investigate this matter which involved a talented craftsman who could embroider one's wishes into reality, on the condition that one provided a piece of cl...

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The rumours had finally reached the ears of the Prince who had decided he was to personally investigate this matter which involved a talented craftsman who could embroider one's wishes into reality, on the condition that one provided a piece of clothing worthy of such magical threads. It took him a while to go through his wardrobe in order to find something that was not already fancily decorated and eventually settled on a fairly simple horse riding jacket he hadn't worn in ages.

Showing up incognito at the man's shop, he was baffled by the line in front of it. His initial plan was to jump the queue because, well, he was the prince after all. But then he remembered he was here on false pretences. And so he waited.

How annoying.

If that man was a fraud, he'd make him pay for the delay. Except ... hold on a second. He hadn't expected the artisan to look so ... adorable with his fluffy brown locks all over his forehead and his ravishing smile which made his eyes twinkle.

And then the man spoke. "Sir, how may I help you today?"

And what? His voice was deep, warm, melodious — and what now? What was the prince to say? He had forgotten his lines. "I- uhm—"

The man, ever so professional, pointed at the jacket in his arms. "Is that the garment you would like me to embellish?"

"Yes. Please."

There was an odd pause, soon interrupted by cute giggles. "You must tell what pattern you would prefer."

Oh. The pattern. Right.

The prince remembered he was supposed to expose him as the imposter he was. Leaning forward with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he asked, "if hearsay is to be believed, you only need one word from the customer to work your magic. Is that true?"

"Try me," the other replied with a shrug.

"Amour," said the prince.

That's when he received the craftsman's undivided attention. Was he having second thoughts? Was he about to admit he couldn't possibly give him what he'd just asked for? Had the prince managed to expose the subterfuge with a single request?

He wished.

The man's grin grew bigger — how was that even possible? — as he replied, full of confidence: "Amour it is. Come back in a month."

A whole month? As in thirty days? As in more waiting? Ugh.

Jungkook turned to leave when he realized he had one more question for the young man, still smiling and looking beautiful in front of him. "How is it you don't require any form of payment for your services?"

The embroiderer studied his client with big blinking eyes, seemingly finding the query rather absurd. "If I was in need of payment, I would certainly ask for it," was the only answer the prince got.

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