How we met

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One normal day of September, some years ago, it was signing up day in the University and all the faculties were immersed in their usual descomunal mess. This, usually affected students of superior semesters who were extremely tired and were anxiously waiting for their so desire degree; for the students of lower semesters this day wasn't so stressful, unless you were one of those foreigner students who arrived one day later than expected to the country therefore, you missed the introductory talk which explained there was a number of hours you needed to complete every semester if you ever expect to graduate.

This was the case of Anathema Device an American woman dressed with a long purple dress, black stockings and a pair of black flats. She was having a calm but also serious conversation with a secretary, this woman had dark skin, shaved head and she looked at everybody like if they were scumbags, she didn't want to accept Anathema's signing up papers.

-"I told you. You need to fill in all the hours for the semester. I can't process your inscription until you do so"- said the secretary for the fifth time.

-"I understand I must. I just..."-she was about to cry right there so she tried to relax herself before speaking- "...would like to know how is that possible I've already selected all the subjects I can see this semester."

The secretary rolled her eyes and took Anathema's papers carefully inspected them after few minutes she gave them back and spoke.

- "Anathema Device, fourth semester in arts and literature."

- "Yes?"- Anathema replied lifting her glasses to apply pression in the bridge of her nose -"As I can see, your best option is to fullfil with an extracurricular."

-"Could you be more specific?"

The secretary rolled her eyes again, crossing her arms on her chest she proceed to explain.

- "An extracurricular activity is an activity, that falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of the university. It's more for you personal development such as theatre, book club maybe judo."

-"I see and how can I manage to get one of those?"

- "You need to go to the office of extracurricular activities which is in the administration building third floor."

- "B-but...that's on the other side of the campus!"

- "Then you should start to run right now and be fast my break is in less than half an hour."

The secretary finished her sentence with a mischievous grin, Anathema had to calm her desire to punch her right there, she just started to run as fast as she could ignoring all the comments that were thrown at her and also dodging a couple of idiots who tried to stop her.

She arrived to the building and escalated the stairs quickly, once she'd found the office she was exhausted almost collapsing a small old red haired lady dressed as a gipsy greeted her with concerned in her eyes.

-"Oh my poor thing, take a seat darling I'll bring some wat..."

-"No! Please, I- I just need..."

- "An extracurricular?"- the old lady asked- "oh darling, didn't you know? These things must be done early everything you might have been interested in like the book club or theatre, are already full."

-"How did you know that...? It doesn't matter! I just need to..."

- "...fill in some hours?"- the lady completed for her while looking at a folder- "Well...we still have astronomy on Fridays but honey I don't think that..."

-"It doesn't matter!"- Anathema cut her off- "just please, add me in. I need to be back before the secretary goes on her break."

-"Oh well, I need some basic information about you."

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