I ended up being late, but the teacher, Mr. Mason, seemed to understand. He signed the slip that I'd been given before sending me to a seat between two skinny girls. One had blonde hair, the other had brown.

Before sitting down, I noticed a really large kid at the back of the room. He was big, muscled, and had brown hair, his skin was pale and his eyes, gold. I felt my eyes grow large in fear for a second before I sat down. I could've sworn I saw him shake silently with laughter, but when I looked back, he was paying attention to the teacher.

"So... Newbie?" The brunette from next to me sneered, "What's that you got there?"

She took my book from me, passing it across to her friend, "Eew," she squeaked quietly, "Nerd alert." I tried to grab my book back, but she placed it on the floor and kicked it backwards, laughing.

"Stop it," I pleaded in a whisper.

"Should we Ali?" The blonde asked.

"I don't think so Madi," she replied, "I've got a bad feeling about this one." Suddenly, their heads snapped back to three front of the room.

"Miss Swan, please pay attention," Mr. Mason demanded, then turned back to the board. I could feel everyone looking at me, but when I turned around, they looked away.

"Got in trouble in your first class on your first day?" The one called Madi asked, fake sadness on her face, "Oh you poor baby."

I just curled myself in, trying to pay attention to the teacher, although it was difficult with them pulling at my clothes and whispering rude comments on how they looked bad on me.

When the bell finally rang, Mr. Mason asked me to wait a minute.

"Look, miss Swan, I don't know how your schools were in Arizona, but here, you need to pay attention in class, got it?"

"Got it," I whispered, nodding.

"You may go."

I hurried out of the class and ran into the giant guy I'd seen earlier. I let it a quiet squeak of fright, causing him to burst into laughter.

"This is yours, isn't it?" He asked me, handing me my Harry Potter book, "I'm Emmett Cullen."

"Thanks," I said quietly, "I'm Candice Swan."

"Nice time meet you, Candice," he smiled a huge smile, "I've got to get to class, see you around." He walked away.

"See you," I whispered, I headed for French and was quietly sent to a seat.

In the middle of class, I felt someone yanking on my hair. I turned around to see Madi smiling at me innocently. I turned back around and ignored her the rest of the period, but I could hear her quiet snickering every now and then.

I hurried to math, not wanting to get there late. I was sent to the opposite side of the room from Bella... and next to Ali. She also snickered most of class, but I ignored it. Bella seemed so zoned out, I didn't even try to talk to her after class.

In gym, I saw a guy who looked a lot like Emmett, but in different ways. His skin was the same, although his eyes were black, and he looked just as perfect. This guys hair was bronze, not black.

The teacher, coach Clapp, let me stay out while everyone else ran three laps around the gym, which I was grateful for. I want good at gym, I wasn't clumsy like Bella, I was just a bit... weak.

The class had just started their weight lifting portion of the year and were already in groups of two. When they separated, they ask had partners but the perfect guy. Coach sent me to with with him.

The Swan Triplets (Twilight Fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin