A Promised Dance

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"She is not mine. I don't think she could ever be anyone's. She doesn't want to be owned. That's what I love most about her."

Letters my grandpa wrote about my grandmother

Athena was sat next to Peggy in an allied HQ in London, watching as Steve went around marking on the HYDRA bases

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Athena was sat next to Peggy in an allied HQ in London, watching as Steve went around marking on the HYDRA bases.

"The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic-" Steve told them as he drew a cross on the map "-And the sixth one was... about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line." Then, a soldier walked over and rolled up the map to take away. "I just got a quick look," Steve apologies as the man took the map away.

"Well, nobody's perfect," Peggy laughed.

"That not true," Athena exclaimed, "Peggy is perfect!"

Steve and Peggy just laughed as they walked towards Phillips and the larger map.

"You have been spending too much time with Stark," Peggy laughed.

"These are the weapon factories we know about," Steve started speaking as Phillips walked up, "Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map."

"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6," Phillips direst as he walked around the map, "I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base."

"What about the rest of us?" Athena asked as they followed Phillips.

"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass," Phillips told them. Taking a folder from Lorraine, "what do you say, Rogers? It's your map; you think you can wipe Hydra off of it?

"Yes, sir," Steve nodded, "I'll need a team."

"We're already putting together the best men," Phillips assured him.

"With all due respect, sir. So am I," Steve told him.


Peggy and Athena headed back to their room to get dressed. Steve had invited them to came to the pub with him. Because there were so few girls in their facility, Athena, Artemis and Peggy were sharing a room. Artemis had already gone out with the man she had been dancing with on her deployment day. Athena now knew that he was called Bucky, which was amusing because he was Steve best friend.

Artemis had also been selected for Steves team. Athena was proud of her sister. This was that sort of missions that Artemis dreamed of going on. Athena would be sent back on her spy missions with a side of science. That admittedly, she also rather enjoyed. Both twins would be supporting the war effort in their own way, both happy about that.

Peggy rummaged through their clothes until she pulled out a red dress for herself and a black dress for Athena.

"Rogers isn't going to be able to take his eyes off you," Peggy told Athena as she held her the dress.

Athena laughed as she took the dress from Peggy and went to get changed.

Peggy then headed Athena to the vanity, where she started to do her hair and makeup.

"What about you and Stark?" Athena asked teasingly.

"Nope," Peggy laughed, "we are not talking about me. We are focussing on you."

Athena laughed, "but you are so much more interesting."

"So are you, now let's not compere each other," Peggy reprimanded lightly, "now sit still so I can do your makeup."

Athena sat very still as Peggy made her look beautiful. Then Peggy shoed Athena out of the seat so she could do her makeup. Athena had offered to do Peggys for her, but Peggy had waved her off.

When they were both ready, they headed out to the pub.

Before they had even entered the pub, Athena could hear the rowdy singing. Athena jokingly bowed as she held the door open, letting Peggy go in first. Peggy laughed, shaking her head as she walked in.

Athena followed after laughing to herself. Athena suddenly realised that the singing had gotten quiet as Peggy and her walked in. Athena scanned the room, trying not to blush as she looked for Steve. When she didn't see him, she hurried into the back room, leaving Peggy to talk to the rest of their team.

Athena walked into the room to see Artemis sat next to Bucky, the two in deep conversation. Steve, on the other hand, smiled when he saw her come in. Standing up and came towards her.

"Why hello there, Captain," Athena grinned.

"Athena," Steve smiled back, "You look stunning."

"Why, thank you," Athena smiled as she twirled around. Then her face changed. Athena added, "before I forget, Howard and I have some equipment for you to try. Can you come tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good," Steve smiled.

"I see you have found your squad," Athena smiled.

"I have, "Steve agreed, "would you like a drink."

"I would love one, thank you," Athena smiled as she slipped into the seat next to him, "but only one or else Phillips will kill me!"

"What would you like?" Steve asked, turning to the bartender.

"Beer, please," Athena smiled, "and how about when I don't have impending work, the two of us can go dancing. I'm not sure how good I am, but I at least promise not to step on you."

Steve grinned at Athena; the smile lit up his whole face, "I would like that."

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