"I'm gonna change," Peter told her.
"Ok? You're too fast for me to be able to see anything anyway." Because of that comment, Peter got dressed painfully slowly. Really slowly. Like stripper slow.

He took of his shirt first and stretched his arms for a while to let Domino admire his abs. Next, he unbuckled his belt and slipped off his pants. The whole time he was undressing Domino held eye contact with him, not wanting him to win whatever kind off game this was. But she did see how nice how body looked using peripheral vision.

Because Peter was a dickhead he walked around his room still almost naked. When his back was turned, Domino stared at his ass. In her defence it was a nice ass.

When he was finally ready, Domino stood up ready to leave. "Thank you for that strip show. Very entertaining. I'll make sure to tip."
"Please do. I actually do need money," Peter chuckled.

Domino didn't say anything and just went upstairs. "Hey, wait!" He shouted after her.
"I say we go to a fast food place or something. I'm hungry," Peter told.
"Ok. But can we stop by my house? I want to get changed." Peter nodded and they super speeded to Domino's house.

"You know the only good thing about being you're friend is the super speed," she stated.
"Rude. What about the amazing cuddles I give?"
"Those are good too I guess."

Domino invited Peter in and he followed her up to her bedroom. "You're room is nicer than I remember," he complimented.
"Yeah I added some new stuff. Stole a tv to put in. I really think it brings the whole room together."

Domino looked in her closet for some nice clothes. She pulled out straight legged jeans and a white crop top. "Turn around, speedy. I'm about to get changed."

"Why. You're too fast for me to be able to see anything anyway," mocked Peter. Domino gave him a fake laugh before getting changed. Peter looked her in the eyes the entire time. What a gentlemen.

However that didn't last long because Peter was Peter. He had found a dollar bill somewhere and threw it at her. "Where did you even get this," she giggled. "From you. I stole it," he smirked.

She picked up the dollar and looked for her metallic purple leather jacket. When she found it she put it on and fixed her hair slightly.

"Does my hair look ok?" She asked Peter as she looked in the mirror. "Yeah it looks fine." She accepted his answer and they left the house.

"So what food are we getting. It has to be good. I'm not eating shit food for our second date," she bantered. "Date! What date? We have a date? This is a date?"
"Calm your tits Peter. I'm joking. Unless you don't want me to be joking," she said while walking closer to him.

Domino put a hand on his cheek and moved it down to his chest in a flirtatious way. She pushed him back slightly and laughed.

"Anyway. We should get pizza. Let's go to Pizza Hut," offered Peter.
"Do we have money?" Domino asked. Peter rushed away and returned with a hundred dollar bill in his hand. "Now we do."

Domino had opted for getting a cab since they have money now. So the two walked towards a main road and stuck out their arm. After waiting like three minutes, a cab had stopped for them.

"I don't get why we had to get a ride there. It would have been so much faster if we- you know," Peter grumbled. "Peter stop complaining. It's fine to take a cab." The cab ride was only six minutes long yet Peter complained about it. Apparently, it was to slow for him.

"That will be $9.50," the cab driver told them.
"Can you break a 100?" Domino asked sheepishly.
The cab driver glared at them and took the bill. He gave them back the change and they got out of the car.

Lover boy // Peter Maximoff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now