After who-knows-how-long, the brunet finally began to calm down and steady his breathing. His throat muscles were still throbbing from his crying and hyperventilation, but, it was nowhere near as bad, compared to what had just happened.

After a while of calming down, he mustered up every drop of energy he regained, which really isn't much, and pushed himself all the way to the couch.

Once on a more comfortable surface, he finally felt his tense muscles relax, and how stiff his face is from his crying. But above all, he knew that there really wasn't a good way out of this, except for one

'I'm gonna have to ask Reo for therapy sessions... But... That will most likely mean I will not be able to hide my secret any further...' Thought the brunet, as he felt himself ready to have a second mental breakdown from just thinking about confronting Reo of his situation and the secret about his real brother

'I guess I have no other choice anyway...'


That night, the brunet stayed up until Reo came back, which was at around 11:30-12:00.

Tenma could tell that the older one was surprised to see him still awake at this hour, considering that usually, by this time, he would already be dead asleep

"Why are you still up, Tenma? Shouldn't you be sleeping already?"

"I... I need to talk to you, Reo..."

The brunet's voice came out cold, which isn't what he intended, but, at least it captured Reo's attention and stopped him from asking any further.

He eventually settled down on the wing chair, after hanging his jacket up on the hanger

"Go ahead, what is it?"

Although the brunet didn't show it, he was terrified on the inside. He didn't have a clue on how things would turn out after this conversation, but, on the other hand, this is probably the best chance he's gonna get to come clean with his guardian

"I... I think I need therapy again..."

It wasn't easy to get those words out, and the brunet didn't exactly intend to be that straightforward. But, then again, it would be bothersome and painful to go slow on such a matter.

For a minute, there was only silence in the living room. Until, Reo finally decided to speak up


The older one's voice sounded as if he was begging Tenma to tell him that it was all just a silly joke, but, reality soon sank in, and Tenma didn't dare to lift his head up to face his guardian

"Why...? What happened?" Asked Reo in a shaky, yet non threatening voice, which finally encouraged the younger one to lift his head up

"I-... I had a panic attack..."

The brunet suddenly heard a small, yet sharp inhalation of breath, coming from Reo. And that, just pained him deeply in the heart

"Fine... Is there anything else for me to know...?"


Tenma wasn't surprised. Apart from Kidou, Reo is the only one who knows him well enough to read him like on opened book, on certain occasions.

It certainly wasn't always nor often, but, they're the only ones who could ever do such thing to him

"You ever wondered why I agreed to join the soccer revolution?"

"Because you wanted to free everyone who are trapped in the wrong mindset?"

Tenma almost laughed bitterly at that. He can't imagine how much better things would be, if only it was that simple.

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