Sensei Tenma

791 43 47

Hi guys, sorry for being gone for like two weeks. I'm really sorry for that, but I've been busy with revising and studying!

Now, I know what you're thinking... 'IT'S FREAKING SUMMER TIME! WHY THE HECK ARE YOU REVISING!?'

And I get it, but I have no other choice, since tomorrow I'm taking on the FCE Cambridge exam.

Honestly, I have to ask myself like why am I choosing to suffer? TwT

Anyways, enjoy the chapter. Also, if there are any spelling mistakes or something, point them out, cuz this one I'm finishing it on my laptop, since I'm in class. And let me tell you, it is nowhere near as convinient as the phone for checking mistakes!!!!!!


After training, the Raimon members were still exhausted, clearly, they were still on their way of adapting to Kidou's training schedule. However, now they were truly acknowledging the results of their gruelling schedule.

Not saying that they enjoy it, but, nonetheless, at least they're seeing the benefits.

Since most of them were feeling quite sore, Tenma got the chance to quickly change out of his uniform into his usual soccer uniform, before anyone else even gathered the strength to stand up. But, as for the part of his plan where he would sneak out without anyone noticing and just go to the hospital straight away for his therapy session. Well, that... Didn't exactly work out the way he intended

"Where are you going, Tenma?" Asked Shinsuke to the brunet, who was just on the brim of stepping out of the clubroom door

'Why Shinsuke! WHYYYYY????'

"I'm going to meet up with a friend today."

"Eeeeeh!? But, Nishiki-senpai is just about to talk about his experience in Italy."

"Shinsuke, are you still seeing me as that old soccer fanatic?" Teased the brunet, making his dwarf friend chuckle awkwardly "Anyway, I really got to go now, bye!"

And without wasting another second, the brunet zoomed out of the clubroom, all the way to the school gate. Panting heavily once he had stopped

'Phew, thank god I got out of that one.'


At the hospital, after asking for directions to his designated room, he finally met his new therapist.

He seemed to be someone young, more or less around Reo's age, mid twenties to early thirties. His facial features looked sharp, something that could easily attract many ladies

'Is this guy a therapist or an idol? Or doe he use his face to attract patients?'

The more the brunet thought about it, the more he wanted to slap the idea away. He trusted Reo on getting him a reliable therapist, definitely not one who uses dirty tricks, but even so, this therapist is hands down the youngest one Tenma has ever seen in his whole life

"Come here, take a seat."

At the sound of the his voice, the brunet finally snapped out of his trance. He sped up his pace and sat down in front of him.

And yeah, this therapist really is picturesque

"My name is Kaito, and I'm a friend of your brother. I believe your name is Tenma, right?"

Inazuma Eleven Go - His storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें