Chapter 23

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Dio says "I will admit I'm a little jealous, to put it bluntly. Kars got his hands on something fine I'll give him that."

I remember someone important and say "W-wait! I want you to release Esidisi as well" Dio grumbles and says "Fine.."

The limo pulls to a stop and Dio says "Goodnight" I open the car door and step out in front of my house on the sidewalk.

Dio says "You'll be working for me two days from now as a heads up, don't be so down about it babe".

When his car leaves I enter my house and kick a chair over, I rest my hands on the counter and say to myself "Kars will be out of prison, it's okay".


The next day Lisa Lisa called me to her office at the police station.

I sit before her and she says tapping her cigarette into a ash tray "What's this about Kars getting let go early from prison?" I say "I'm sorry if this seemed like a waste of time to you-" she cuts in and says with a bit of irritation "It is a waste of time! Do you know how long it took to put that asshole in here?"

I say "I am aware, however I've gotten proof he's a better man" Lisa asks "Well where is it?"

I ring up Santana and Wamuu and set my phone on speaker setting it on the table, Wamuu asks "Hello?"

I say "Wamuu, I'm at Lisa Lisa's office, can you give proof that Kars is a better man?"

Wamuu pauses for a moment then says "Before Kars met Y/n he was cold, even when she was with him, but Santana and I slowly saw Kars change to a more softer man to her. Lisa give him credit, he only did the things he did because he's never been in love before".

Lisa turns my phone off and says "I like you Y/n, you're a good person, but are you sure this is a good thing?"

I say "Yes and no, I had to agree to Dio that I'd be his right hand woman" Lisa points her cigarette at me and says "That's straight up illegal, we know this from Kars".

I say "Well we all know that Dio isn't a good man, he's trying to make me be his servent, how about Kars and Dio switch places in prison".

Lisa asks "How do you suppose this will happen?" I say "As soon as Kars gets out of prison arrest Dio for trying to own someone against their will".

Lisa nods and says "That's not a bad idea, well I hope you enjoy Kars's company when he gets out, we all have been through alot haven't we?"

I nod and she let's me go.


I head to the prison to find that the security guards lead me to the prison court. I ask "What's going on?" the guard says "You came early today, the prisoner's are doing their daily fitness. You can talk to them but you will not leave our side".

I get a full view of Kars bouncing a basket ball, because of how muscular he is his shirt strains around his chest.

I walk up to him but the guards stop me when I stand before him, I yelp a bit when I'm pulled back.

Kars says making eye contact "Hello", I say "I thought I should tell you, you will be out of prison two days from now" Kars laughs a bit and says "My sentence is three years".

I say "Not anymore, I made a deal with Dio, you'll be free in two days along with Esidisi because I can't stand seeing you in prison anymore".

Kars asks curiously "What did he want from you?" I reply hesitantly "He wanted me to- to be his right hand woman. I won't be leaving his side".

Kars turns away from me, the guards pull me back a bit and I watch as Kars forcefully throws the ball at the hoop not too far from us, denting the board.

Kars breathes out slowly and says turning back to me "I'm going to kill Dio when I get out of here" I say "You'll be back in here for a longer sentence if you do that Kars, look-" I take his hand, the guard stares at me.

I say "I don't know what to do, but we have to do what Dio did to you so he can't escape prison".

Kars asks "Elaborate?" I say "You need to get your band back together when your out, make money, and once you have enough because I know you can climb the ranks again pay Lisa to get Dio in prison for illegally owning someone".

Kars takes my chin and says with a seductive smirk "So that's the intelligence that got me into prison~".

The security guard smacks his hand away with a bat, Kars growls lowly.

I with a sad smile "Well, I hope you succeed because I won't be by your side when this plan takes place..."

I feel hands rest on my shoulders, I jump and look up, Esidisi glares down at me, he then leans down and kisses my head while saying "You better hope this plan works runt".

Both men give me a genuine smile and the guard says "Alright, alright! Let's go lady your visit is over".

As I am being walked out I look back to see Kars give me a smirk and a wink.


I'm on my way back home when I see Joseph, he spots me from further ahead and walks up to me.

I say "Okay, I know you're still upset, but are we at least still friends?" Joseph tries to keep an angry expression but it breaks and he growls "Damn it! I can't be mad Y/n. You're an awesome friend of course we are!"

He gives me a big hug and I smile huggin back, I say "Take care of Suzie Q, she's a sweet girl Joseph" he blushes and says "I know, thank you".

I hear Suzie shout his name.

We pull apart and I say "Well what are you waiting for, your girls waiting for you" he nods confidently and turns around he says "Good luck with Kars, I hope he really is a good guy" I say "How did you-" but he's already ran off.

(JJBA - Kars x Reader) The Pillar Mens MaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon