Bắt đầu từ đầu


He grabbed me by my neck and hissed "stop talking." His fingertips were digging into my flesh, making a whimper leave my lips. He noticed and immediately let go of me- before opening a door that lead us to a balcony?

The mansion was surrounded by trees only trees. " Stay here and don't even think about escaping because it won't work." He said before locking the door leaving me on the balcony.

I tried opening it but It was locked.

I let out a frustrated sigh before sliding down the door, hugging my knees and placing my chin on them.

I was so tired.


The darkness was gone, I was in a huge room that looked like a library. "Get me the fuck out of here." I growled, trying to break free from McNair grasp. I looked to my left to see Chris being held by Carrow. "Stop moving or I will hex you." McNair said, digging the tip of his wand in my neck.

A sarcastic laugh escaped my lips. "McNair, we both know that I can kill you with my bare hands right now- I don't even need a wand. But your lucky that I'm held by you or I could've strangle you to death without even blinking."

Before he could even respond the door opened and came in Silas. My eyes widened as I remembered that he was the one who had Clemence.

My Clemence.

"Where is she!" I yelled, trying my hardest to get out his grasp and kill him. "How dare you." I continued. "She's a nineteen year old."

"Malfoy great to see you too." Silas clasped his hands, with a fake smile plastered on his face.
"I remember how you betrayed Lord Voldemort.. such a fool." He sat down on one of the couches putting his right leg over his left and his thumb on his bottom lip smiling at me and Chris.

" Where is she?" Chris hissed, the devil's lips twitched. " somewhere safe." He calmly said.
The way he spoke, breathed ..., made me angry.

McNair grasps loosened and I took my chance. I slammed my head back- hitting his chin. Chris did the same with carrow making the both of them letting go of us.

I got up before grabbing McNair's neck and slamming my fist on his cheekbone,nose, and every other single part of his body until he was
Laying on the floor- with blood running down his chin.

I turned around looking for Silas but he was gone. I grabbed a cup that was placed on the counter before slamming it on the wall making it shatter- i grabbed the biggest piece of glass using it to defend myself since I didn't had my Wand.

"Where is he?" Chris breathed, looking around.
"He disappeared." I said, still looking for him
"You should go look for her- I'll be here. In case anything he comes back." Chris spoke, turning around to look at carrow and mcnair knocked out.


I ran everywhere in the manor, opened every single door hoping that I will see my sweet Clemence. I yelled her name, waiting for a response but not once did I hear her voice.


The grand door burst opened and Silas came looking furious than ever. His green hues looked around the balcony until they landed on mine "get up." He ordered, and I obeyed. "Wh-"

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 - 𝐃.𝐌 - 𝟏𝟖+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ