
"I'll take dat as a 'no', I think. Very well, den. Let's get down ta business, shall we?"

In a blink, she had hooked one foot behind His Lordship's leg. She gave it a hard tug, and the next moment, Lord Patrick fell backwards, straight onto a chaise longue conveniently placed along the wall of the hallway.

"Well now," she purred, bending down over her prey. "Time for the fun to begin."


Lord Patrick Day felt his heart pound like a jackhammer inside his chest and, for about the dozenth time this day, cursed himself for coming up with this idiotic plan. Trying to use seduction, of all things, as a tool against Miss Amy Weston? Really?

Just then, the lady of the night's burning lips placed a searing kiss upon his neck. His Lordship cursed again. Maybe it would help, and he would miraculously be rescued from this disaster of a situation.

Thirteenth time is the charm, right?

Another kiss was branded on his skin, sending his blood pounding through his body in a wild maelstrom.

No, apparently it isn't.

"Something the matter?" whispered the voice of his fiancée. "You seem quite stiff, Your Lordship."

No! Not fiancée! That woman is most definitely not betrothed to you, and you are absolutely not supposed to rip her clothes off and ravish her!

"N-not at all," he squeezed out between clenched teeth.

"Oh, but I think ye are." Rearing above him, she smiled down at him. Lord Patrick had never ever seen a smile like that before, and most likely wouldn't ever again, unless he went to hell to visit a succubus. "Let's try somethin' to relax ye, shall we?"

Suddenly, he felt something soft on his collarbone. Something suspiciously reminiscent of female fingers. A moment later, the top button of his shirt popped open.

"This is what you consider 'relaxing'?" he managed.

"Well, I can guarantee ye dat ye'll be very relaxed once I'm done." He saw her smirk, then felt her hand trail down past his pectorals, over his abdomen and into the forbidden zone English gentlemen were prohibited from mentioning out loud. "Or at least a certain part of ye will."

He couldn't help it. His body jerked, instinctively arching upward under her touch. "Stop this! This...this isn't something we should be doing! Especially not here, not now!"

"Oh?" Caressing his cheek, Amy placed a gentle kiss at the corner of his mouth. "You want to wait until after the wedding? That's so sweet!"

Why had he considered it a good idea again to tangle with this woman? He probably could have infiltrated the East End and freed hundreds of kidnapped children from vicious, murderous gangs all by himself. Even if it probably would have cost him his right arm, it would have been worth it.

"That," he growled, "is not what I was referring to! I am not in the habit of conducting illicit affairs in the hallway of my mother's townhouse!"

"You aren't?"

Blast her for sounding so surprised!

"No, I am not!"

"Well then..." The smirk above him was far too enchanting for his continued health. "Let's forget about 'abits, den. Time ta try out something new."

Something new? He snorted. As if, after everything she'd done, there was anything left with which she could surprise him. What could she possibly do that might—

That was when her exploratory fingers reached his backside, poking and prodding.

What the...!

She couldn't possibly...!


That was it. Lord Patrick cracked.

Grabbing hold of Amy's shoulders in an iron grip, he tore her off her feet, whirling the two of them around and slamming her into the plush chaise longue. His eyes burned down at her with the ferocity of a gentleman who knew exactly what she was going to do and wished he could bleach his mind.


"Aye?" Innocently, Amy batted her eyelashes up at him.

Lord Patrick's eyes narrowed, his jaw set in sudden determination. "You were right. It is time to try out something new. You wanted some seduction? Well...then you'll get it!"

He plunged down towards her.


My dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

A little belatedly, summer has arrived in my neighborhood. I'm currently seeking shelter in the cellar from the sweltering heat. I hope things are more pleasant at your place of residence :)

Yours Truly

Sir Rob

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