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Jade's POV

I woke up surprisingly before Beck which never happens and looked over at them just to be sure they were alright. You might be wondering who they are. They would be my boyfriend Beck and my daughter Bailey, which they both were okay still sound asleep, I lightly sighed in relief and just then Bailey woke up and my eyes softened feeling bad incase I accidentally woke her up.

I used my hand to gently stroke her bright red hair out of her face so I could look into her eyes that were identical to mine.

"I'm sorry baby girl did I wake you up", I asked her in a soft whisper, now I know what you're all thinking, 'Holy chiz! The Jade west is being soft and gentle to someone, adding the part where it was a child', which shocked me at first to but when I took the first look into her blueish green eyes, I just couldn't do anything to control my normal Jade West energy, and honestly when it comes to Bailey I'm not afraid to be soft and gentle in public, at school they know already that she and Beck are they only two people to see my soft side, but Bailey is the only one with the effect for me to be soft in public, she was my baby girl and I was gonna make damn sure she had a good childhood where she had parents who love and support her, or in this case the parents I never had.

"Don't worry mommy you didn't wake me up" She told me in her sweet little morning voice as she sat up and rubbed the morning vision out of her eyes. "You sure love?", I asked her making sure, "Yeah I'm sure mommy 100 percent" she told me once again with the beautiful smile that always made my heart happy, I hugged her and kissed her forehead then out of nowhere I felt her being pulled away from me and looked to see that it was Beck getting morning hugs, snuggles and giggles in for the morning, He has done ever since she was strong enough to hold her head up by herself, He pulled her into him while he sat himself up and held her newborn/ bridal style, he held her tight enough so he wouldn't drop her but also not squish her, then her smothered her in a million kissed as she smiled and giggled, she loved the morning's with Beck because of this happening right now, And I just got up and got ready as I smiled at them.

Beck's POV

I had just woken up and seen my beautiful baby girl already awake talking to her beautiful mother so I carefully sit up and do my favorite part of my morning routine, smother my baby girl Bailey in hugs, snuggles and kisses, once I sat up I slowly went to grab her then once she was in my arms I quickly pulled he into my arms newborn/ bridal style tightly and smothered her in a bunch of kisses, which she loved so she was giggling and smiling which is why I do this to her, to put her in a good mood to start her day, once I get my daily dose of love in I sit her in my lap and just give her some cuddles. I love the way she just loosens into me and just comfortably snuggles into my chest.

I give her a kiss on the top of they hair and get up with her still in my arm and he on my hip, Bailey's arms around my neck for support, but she know well that I would NEVER do anything to hurt her, she is my little reds and I would do anything to keep her safe. I looked over to see Jade my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend standing in front of me all ready for school in a black and gray tie dye looking tank top with a black rim at the neck her matching necklace I gave her for our 1 year anniversary tight black ripped jeans and her black combat boot, with her hands out to take Bailey from me, I raised an eyebrow at hey, she smirks and just says, "I need to get her dressed and ready so you can get dressed to," she pauses for a second as she carefully takes Bailey from my arms and holds her just like how I was not even 2 minuets ago, "Unless you wanna go to school in a tank top and shorts and give me a reason to rip a girl head off" she smirked while she finished her sentence and Bailey giggled at her mothers words, did anyone mention Bailey was the only child not scared of Jade? "Behave" is all I mutter into her ear as I stuck my tongue out at Bailey for giggling and she did it back with the same smirk as her mother which concerned many.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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