Deku X Bakugou

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I don't ship this but I'll do it because I have a few ideas 🙄

"Hey Kacchan,are you gay?" Izuku asks curiously.Kacchan,surprised, says,"yeah? Why do you need to know nerd?!" Kacchan had a secret and it was that he was crushing hard on deku. He loved his hair,smile,voice,and him. He was also hard for deku. He wanted to be inside him.. "I don't really know, you've been acting a bit weird ever since we got into u.a. " deku says. "No I haven't, deku! I'm still better then you." Bakugo barks. "Okay Kacchan if you say so" deku mocks smirking. 💭 Ughhh why does he have to be so hot... I want him so bad...💭 I'm done for now I'll edit soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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