Obstacle Challenger!

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First obstacle race field- 09:45 AM

Announcer:- Good day California! And you all are going to witness one of the most favorite sports in America. The obstacle challenger!! Now let's all warmly welcome the competitors for today.

(the crowd cheer and applauds. Lars and Foz take their seats with the spectators. The announcer calls all the competitors in They come in two by two)

Announcer:- And next up, Xuli and Kyan from the Go Jet academy!

Announcer:- And next up, Xuli and Kyan from the Go Jet academy!

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Lars (applauds louder):- You can do this Xuli!

Foz (screaming):- You can ace it Kyan!

(Kyan and Xuli search for them while coming onto the stadium. Once they found them, they smile and wave. they felt more energized after seeing their teammates)

Xuli (sighs):- I'm going to my spot then. Good luck Ky...um... partner ( gives a pat on his shoulders and jogs away)

Kyan:- You too partner, (talks louder) you know the plan! (even louder) remember what we practiced!!

(Xuli shows her thumbs up and jogs faster)

(Kyan sighs and takes his position on his track. He could slightly hear the other competitors talking about him and Xuli with the others. Kyan tries his best not to smile)

Final obstacle race field- 09:55 AM

(Xuli finally takes her place on her track position. She pretends to be deaf to the voices from the competitors who were talking about them, similar to what Kyan heard)

Competitor 1 (whispering):- What! The go jetters?

Competitor 2 (muttering):- Are we competing against the Go jetters

Competitor 3:- Yeah

Competitor 4 (sadly):- I don't think we'll win. They're so good at sports too!

(but Xuli tries to remember the plans and techniques they discussed earlier)

10:00 AM

Announcer:- And the competition is about to begin...

(all the competitors take their positions)

Announcer:- On your marks...

(Kyan tries to focus)

Announcer:- Get set...

(Xuli crosses her fingers for Kyan)

Announcer:- GO!

Stage 1

(Kyan zooms out in a flash, passing all the other competitors who are also trying their best. Lars and Foz cheers the louder for him watching from the screen)

Referee 1:- As you all see the Go Jetter Kyan is taking the lead right now

Referee 2:- I agree! they have a higher probability of winning today's race!

Go Jetters- Disasters Strikeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें