Chapter 3

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          "Listen girl, we need to talk," Alya starts as soon as Marinette is within earshot. "Last night-"

           "No!" Marinette says angrily shaking her head stop Alya from saying anymore. "Just forget it Alya! I wasn't supposed to tell you anything." She curses at herself mentally. 'So much for playing it off as a joke.' 

           "B-But Marinette," she stutters, surprised by Marinette's anger. She had never seen her this angry. Well, except for when Lila showed up. "How am I supposed to 'Just forget it?' Clearly you aren't handling it very well. You completely lost it last night!" Her last comment causes a lot of heads to turn in their direction.

           "Alya!" Marinette whisper hisses. 'Stop being so mean to her.' She mentally chides herself. 'It's not fair for to take out my anger on her. It's myself I'm mad at.' "It doesn't matter Alya," she says, her tone a bit softer. "It's always been that way and no one's ever bothered to notice before." She looks down, sadness written all over her face clear as day. She's giving not only Alya a glimpse of her pain but also Adrien.

          Marinette sees Adrien walk in from the corner of her eye. She looks up at him and they lock eyes, Alya following the distracted girl's gaze and smirking. However, rather than getting flustered like she normally does, Marinette looks away quickly, angry mask back in place, turning her fiery gaze back on Alya. "You- can't- tell- ANYONE!" she practically yells, storming off furiously. 'That went...horribly wrong.'

         Adrien stands in the doorway, shocked. He's never seen her so mad. 'Could I have...done something wrong?' He walks over to Alya who's shaking her head in disbelief. "Hey Alya," he says with a small wave. "What's wrong with Marinette? D-Did I do something wrong," he asks, fearing the worst. (A/N: Yes Adrien. You just walked into the room and ruined her life. He's so smart)

         "No," Alya sigh, looking down sadly. "It's not you. Marinette's just having a hard time but she won't let anyone see that side of her, let alone help her. Stubborn as always." She chuckles to herself and continues to stare at the ground. She's brainstorming ideas, leaving Adrien to stand awkwardly in the silence. 'Wait a minute. Adrien! That's it!' "Actually, Adrien," she starts looking up at him ever so innocently. "Can you try and talk to her? I think you're the only one who can."

         "Y-yeah of course," he sputters out, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Marinette is struggling. 'She's always helping others and she's practically at the top of her class. How did I never notice?' "I'll do anything I can to help."

        A/N: Sorry for another boring chapter but there'll be a lot more action later I promise :)

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