67. Planning for the Future

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I laughed a bit ruefully. "If we held him to that part of the bargain, we'd definitely be set for a place to stay."

MacCready's eyes twinkled. "Not a good idea, angel. After all, he hired me to protect you as a gift."

"I know, love, I was just teasing. Clair would probably kill all three of us if we tried it." Of course, it would be better to get RJ free from his contract entirely. I need to think about this. Taking a sip of the delicious rad-free water, I continued. "Hancock was being extremely generous, and I want to make sure we stay on his good side. Out of all the people we've met in the Commonwealth, he and Preston Garvey seem to have the best philosophy for surviving as a community."

MacCready rolled his eyes. "Hancock, yes. Keep your nose to yourself or lose it. Garvey? He's a bleeding heart who's going to get himself and the Minutemen killed if he's not careful," a gentle snort accompanied his pronouncement. "Trying to protect every 'innocent' citizen in the Commonwealth is noble, but hopelessly misguided." He gave me a roguish wink. "Kinda reminds me of some lady I keep bumping into who's determined to pull the greater Commonwealth out of the gutter of Wasteland living." He easily ducked the pillow I tossed at him, laughing as it landed on the floor instead.

"And this is where we disagree, in principle." I met his cynical gaze. "Garvey may be jumping the gun, but he's looking ahead to a future where people can just be farmers and traders and not need to be weapons experts, too." I reached out and he took my hand, placing it on his knee and covering it with his with a pat. "Remember what I said about how it takes a bunch of non-combat personnel to keep the combat Soldiers in fighting trim?"

"I do. I also remember you saying you had weapons training, which makes me think your Army made sure all of its members could fight. The Wasteland is a dangerous place, and you need to be able to fight to survive." He gazed at me with a solemn, honest expression and I had no rejoinder.

"You're right, RJ." I conceded. "I guess I better get used to thinking in more military terms again. It's tough to realize just how harsh this world can be." The sigh that left my lips was sad, and I closed my eyes against the swell of homesickness that trickled down my cheek in a single tear. While I might have chosen to stay with MacCready, the love for my world and my family would never completely fade away.

A warm thumb brushed the moisture away and I opened my eyes to meet the glorious crystal blue of my partner's. He smiled at me with a loving expression that melted my heart and made my soul sing. "I also remember telling you to hold on to your compassion, angel. People respond to your sincere desire to help, and are inspired by it. You, Garvey, even Hancock in his own way, are all compassionate. It's beautiful, and rare out in the Wasteland. Compassion is part of what makes you, well, you. And I love you for it.

"You chose to stay with me... that makes me happier than I've ever been before. Dunno about a shop, but I want more for us than just surviving day-to-day. If part of that wish means building a better Commonwealth for everyone, well- keep leading and I'll follow you." He shifted closer to run gentle fingers through my short curls. "Let me be the bitter jerk out there, the professional killer. You dream of that better future. Plan for it and I'll fight for you to make it real."

I shook my head slightly, covering his hand with my own. "Not alone. We'll fight, together, for a better future."


"Look, Mac, we need our own place, somewhere safe we can recuperate and keep our extra stuff." I complained the next day while trying to organize our growing pile of necessities. "Living out of our packs is okay for the short term, which is why I didn't say anything before. But if we're going to make a go at living in the Commonwealth, we really should have a permanent place... something we can call our own. Somewhere that prospective clients can find us, like Nick's office or Piper's news stand. We also shouldn't be carrying around as many caps as we are."

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