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a/ n: hi, and welcome back! i wrote this at like 12am when I should've been asleep, but I couldn't wait to keep writing this story!

word count: 1059

tw: mentions of death and murder


Lauren Reynolds is dead.

Lauren Reynolds is dead.

Lauren Reynolds is dead.

Except I wasn't. Emily Prentiss was. Her death wasn't announced, a shy kept secret in order to protect the integrity of the mission. Thank God for that. My fingers brushed through Declan's blonde curls, his head resting in my lap as he was fast asleep. "Where are we going?" I asked Ian, glancing up from the child. "Paris. I've always wanted to take you there."

My mind struggled to keep the belief that my past self was dead, as memories of my teenage years spent in the Parisian cobblestone streets flushed over me. The itchy green grass rubbing against my pale skin, the wind blowing through my long, inky hair, the flirtations exchanged with young security guards.

Knock it off, Lauren.

"I can't wait," I eagerly responded, smiling. My mind couldn't help but race thinking about the job we'd do once we get there. Everything I had just done was wildly illegal, but with Ian, what was coming could easily be worse. But it was worth it. When we arrived at the Paris safe house, he showed me around, leaving Declan with Louise. "This is our home, temporarily." He guided me through the brick lain walls and mile-high bannisters, the house more like a castle, nestled in the forest. "And this is our room," he said, opening the doors to a canopy bed, the posts nearly reaching the ceiling. "Are you sure this isn't a house out of a fairytale?" He laughed, before tugging me onto the bed. "Now that we're finally settling down as a family... maybe it's time to grow?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not until the final job is done." I sighed, letting my body sink into the bed. He grabbed my chin, tilting it up to him. "Patience, Lauren."

A few hours later, and a knock on the front door startled me. I opened it, and there stood 3 tall men. I recognized all of their faces from Interpol. They were all part of the arms dealership that Ian belonged to. "Please, come in." I lead them to the office, where Ian was already working. "Ah, please sit. Lauren, thank you for showing our guests in. You may exit now." I hung my head a little bit, before leaving. We were supposed to do this together, that was the deal. I leaned my head against the door, trying my best to eavesdrop.

"I want out."

"You can't just leave, Doyle, you are Vallahla. You are the backbone of this operation."

"You heard me, I want out."

"It's that pretty little skank of yours, isn't it? She's forcing you out of this."

"Call her a skank again, and I'll cut your tongue out."

"What's in it for us if you leave?"

"I'll leave the entire company to you-but, I need help with one final job."

"Which is?"

"Finding and killing Chloe Donaghy, and then taking every asset she has. Every penny. She has a price to pay."


"Oh, and Lauren will be assisting in this job."


"Because-I'm not convinced of her loyalty."

I took my ear off the door and walked away, steam basically beaming out of my ears. After everything I had done for him, he still didn't trust me? Absurd. My phone buzzed.

Ian: You can come in now.

I knocked, before letting myself in. I felt like I was walking on eggshells around the four of them. "Hi, I'm Lauren," I said, reaching out and shaking their hands. "Assert dominance. That's how you'll fool them." Clyde Easter's voice rang out in my ears. I blinked, hard, trying to erase the memory. "Sit, princess, let's talk about what is going to happen." I already know, Ian. There's a woman, Chloe, she's the head of a human trafficking and arms ring here in Europe. We have bad blood, and it's time to get rid of her. These three men here are going to hunt her down, and then you, precious, are going to kill her."

I am going to kill her. Damn.

"While you do this, I'm going to be empty every bank account, taking every morsel she has left. She owes me. Do you understand?" "Yes sir," I nodded. "Good. Everyone but Laur, please leave." He motioned for me to come over to him, sitting on his legs. "Are you going to be okay with this?" I nodded. "I hope you know babe, I love you. I'm doing this for you." He ran his fingers through my hair, "I understand."

But I didn't. Who the hell really was this Chloe? Why was I the one who had to kill her?

"Why don't we go to bed, it's been a long day." He took your hand, leading you back to your room. He helped you undress, slipping into a silk slip you had packed. "I'll take you shopping, since... I blew up all your other clothes," he chuckled. "Ian Doyle, not usually one to crack a joke." We laid down, his arms wrapping me into a spooning situation. I had one hand on his arm, but the other was tugging gently at my necklace. "What's on your mind?" "Oh-hm, nothing." He turned my head to face him. "Don't lie to me." He said, sternly. "Who's Chloe? Be honest. What's the history?" I saw his face drop into a frown.

"She's Declan's real mom. She's a slut, and she needs to pay for what she put me and that child through." My face soon followed into a frown. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "I didn't want to upset you. She's none of our concerns." "Well she kind of is- since I'm supposed to murder her," I could tell I pushed my limits and he was getting angry, He sat up in bed. "Do you really want to know, Lauren," he spat. "She tried to kill him, Declan, are you happy now?" Tears welled in my eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." "Damn right, you shouldn't have." He pulled himself out of bed. "I'm going for a smoke."

I laid there, silent tears falling on the pillow. The cold bed sent shivers down my spine. I was nearly asleep when I felt him climb back into bed. "I'm sorry, Laur, it wasn't your fault," he said, to my sleeping body. "I love you," he said, stroking my hair.

That was it. I was going to kill Chloe.

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