Levitating. CHAPTER ONE

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As Sapnap levitated up into the skies after Dream beat the life out of him he saw somebody on a pole. It was a man, he looked like a total baddie 👹🙄🙄😜😜😝😍😋🤪. He was wearing big black boot platforms, red shorts, and a red crop top. (Yes lil nas x our royal baddie is wearing that while Sapnap is wearing his basic outfit his MC skin has) Lil nas X notices Sapnap. 

Sapnap gets flustered and blushes,"U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uhmm.. W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what am I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I doing h-h-h-h-h-here..." he nervously spits out. Lil nas X speaks with his godly words. "Ah yes you are here to do pole with me bestie! 😋🤪🤪😍😍😝😝😝😝 wait SIS YOU BE LOOKING GOOODDDD IN THAT OUTFIT!!! HOL' ON. LET ME TAKE A PHOTO OF US AND I'LL POST IT ON MAH INSTA SIS!!!!!" He grabs his phone and snaps a few photos of him and Sapnap. 

Sapnap says,"Lil nas X my friend Dream beat me up because i hit his Polly Pocket Barbie Toe boyfriend that's the size of a strawberry so I levitated up here!" Lil nas X nods his head to show he was listening, while really he was figuring out a caption for his instagram post. 

Lil Nas X and Ya Boy Sapnap 😫😫Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat