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I woke up early and smiled happily. Why? Because daddy said I can go outside of the house. Setsuno is going to take me to the park.
I got dressed and hurried to find Setsuno. He chuckled as he saw me. "You really are excited for this." He smiled. I nodded and smiled. "(Y/n)." I turned to face daddy. "Yeah?" I asked. "Don't forget your gloves and mask." He said. "Oh! Sorry!" I apologized. I put my gloves and mask on. "Be good for Setsuno. Make sure you're in his field of vision." I nodded at daddy's words. He smiled and patted my head. I grabbed Setsuno's hand and basically dragged him out of the base and house.

I looked around and saw a lot of things to play with. I laughed as I played with Setsuno. We then played hide and go seek. I went to go hide. Setsuno wasn't good at finding me when we played thus game. I think the score is 17 for me and 0 for him. I then heard a branch snap. I turned around and saw a boy. He looked to be the same age as me. He seemed shocked to see me here too. "Are you hiding too?" He asked. I nodded. I got a bit nervous around him. "I'm playing with my uncle." I said. "I'm playing with my big brother." He smiled. "I'm Lawlight. But my friends call me L." (Yes L...my mind couldn't think of another name...) I smiled at him. "I'm (Y/n)." I replied. "Why are you wearing a mask?" He asked. "Are you sick?" He added. I shook my head. "My daddy says that I have to protect myself from the sickness." I stated. "Okay?" He seemed a bit confused. "You want to be friends?" He asked next. I nodded happily. He smiled too and grabbed my hand. "Let's go play on the swings." He suggested. I nodded along.

- Setsuno POV-

I frowned seeing I haven't found (Y/n) yet. Crap! I knew I shouldn't have played this game out here! What if she got lost?! Kidnapped?! Overhaul is going to kill me! I need to find the angel! I was beyond worried for (Y/n)'s well being. I headed back to the playground to see if she was there. I then heard her giggles. "That's a funny story. Did you get in trouble?" I found her on the swings next to a boy. "Yup! Tendo was so mad at me, but it was still funny." He laughed. I sighed in relief that she was safe and sound. Though, it was already time for us to go home. I walked up to her. "(Y/n), it's time to go home." I said. "Aww, can't we stay a little longer?" She gave me those puppy dog eyes. Don't give in! Overhaul will punish us both if we're late. She's so cute- Stay strong Toya! "No, we both promised your dad that we will both be home on time." I said. She frowned. "Okay. Bye, L. I hope to see you soon again." She said. He nodded, and hugged her. "You too. I have to find my brother anyways. He's probably still looking for me." This...L said. (Y/n) giggled and nodded. He then gave her one of the bracelets he was wearing. "Take this so you can remember me. It's also a bond of our friendship." He informed her. "I'll never take it off." (Y/n) replied. I picked up (Y/n). "Touching moment, but your dad really needs us home right now." I said quickly, and we ran home. "See you later!" She called out.

We got back just a minute ahead. "How was your day?" Overhaul said. "Good! I played a lot with Setsuno, and we played hide and seek. When I was hiding, I befriended a boy that's the same age as me. He's really nice and friendly. He gave me a friendship bracelet and I hope to see him again." (Y/n) informed. She had a big bright smile on her face. "Wonderful. I'm glad you had fun. Nemoto will give you a bath now." She nodded and followed Nemoto to her room. "Good work, Setsuno." Overhaul said. I nodded. "Thank you, boss." I replied. I went to my room and took a shower.

- (Y/n) POV-

"I should make L a gift. He said he likes dogs. I should make him a plushie!" I said to myself. I started working on it and smiled all the way through.

Not related but

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Not related but....just look at Mr.Compress.

I'm a simp for this man!!

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I'm a simp for this man!!

Shie Hassaikai x child! readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें