Daz x me because why not

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I was sleeping in my bed until my alarm went off. "RING RING RING RING" "AHHHH" I screamed not ready for my alarm to go off "oh my alarm!" I said as I sighed I looked at my phone surprisingly someone named DazBlack had recently added me on tinder I accepted he was quick to respond 

DazBlack: .....hello do you know my YouTube channel?

Me: no

DazBlack: oh well you should subscribe my YouTube is called dazGames

Me: if this is just a thing to make me subscribe and then leave then I'm not having it!! I'm here for a date or whatever

DazBlack: no that's not it I actually am pretty lonely my self and wanted a date as well....

Me: what?...I'm not sure you could just be a person who wants to kidnap me

DazBlack: seriously? Why are you assuming so quickly??

Me: um because most people kidnap or rape people on this site!

Dazblack: well you are right but didnt you see my bio

Me: yeahhhh butttttt it could be fake


Me: ok ok jeez 

Me: oh wow you have 6.83M subscribers  well....I guess I can believe you now

DazGames: its because I'm basically famous isn't it?

Me: um no

DazGames: sure anyways will you go on a date with me I mean you don't have to it's kinda sudden 

Me: ok sure we'll have the date ready tomorrow deal?

DazGames: sounds good!

The next day....

"Yawns what time is it?" I say  while I pick the little crusty stuff out of the corners of my eyes "oh fish sticks it's time for our date!" I say in a nervous tone of voice I put on a long and fancy dress with a rose attached I put white high heels on and did my makeup and my hair. Okay I am ready! I am still suspicious of this dazblack guy though...hmm I'll bring a butter knife. 


okay ..... I don't see him...wait- I PROBABLY GOT TROLLED NOOO- hello! *Daz hands me roses* OH UH HI I say surprised. What? Did you think I was not going to come??? says daz. Yes also are these fake they look fake...??? I say. Wow bold...daz says beneath his breathe. Well anyways let's get a table. daz says. Okay! I say. *minutes passed* waiter: here's your drinks! His hands slipped from how slippery the glass was and the drink spilled all over daz and then crashed on the ground. Are you kidding me? Daz says in a very annoyed voice. Waiter: I-I I'm so so sorry sir! I will cleaned this up right away! No! Daz says. I want a refund actually! Daz says. No it's ok! I say. No its not! My first date is ruined! Daz says. It looked like he was gonna go off on the waiter as if he was a volcano going to erupt. The waiter looked like he was going to faint or something I don't know why but he did look like that. Ugh let's just leave! Daz says. O-ok...I say I little hesitant sense I just met him and I don't know where he is taking me. Where are we going I said. Well we could go to my house or some other restaurant. Daz says. Ummm your house? I say. Wait oh no...he might rape me at his house shit! at least I got my butter knife in my Fanny pack. I thought. Ok I'll lead the way. Says Daz. Daz takes me to his car I stand there in shock I was paralyzed as if a Blue-Ringed octopi had just bit me. (Blue-Ringed octopi paralyze people AND NO I DIDNT SEARCH THAT UP) the reason why I was shocked was because right in front of me was a red shiny ✨ Ferrari✨ Um hello? Daz said. wha what? I say I just realized I have just been standing there for about 2 minutes or so. 

When I was at daz's house

I see daz's house. Um Daz? Shouldn't you have a mansion or something sense you have a lot of subscribers this is just a boring old house 

 Um Daz? Shouldn't you have a mansion or something sense you have a lot of subscribers this is just a boring old house 

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My god you are the most boldest person I have ever seen! Daz accidentally says aloud. I say nothing. Sorry? Daz says. Ugh whatever let's just go in! I say. I walk in and see a girl. Uhh who the heck are you? Sarah says. UM DAZ SOME GIRL IS IN YOUR HOUSE! i say. Daz bursts out laughing. What? I say. Thats my daughter. Oh I say. I looked red like a tomato I was so embarrassed. I'm so sorry what's your name? I say to Sarah. Um Sarah. Sarah was playing something I got a glimpse of the game it was roblox! Oh I know that game! I say. Oh well you have stuff in common already! Daz says. Oh uh yeah it's roblox..? Sarah says not interested in anything I'm saying. What's your user so u can friend you? I'm KarensAreQueenSs. Um I'm FizzyDuckz but my display name is SarahlyKewl. Oh ok I'll friend you! I open my Fanny pack to get my phone accidentally revealing my butter knife. What the hell? Daz says. What? I say. Why do you have a butter knife Daz says in a scared voice even Sarah looked away from her computer which got her killed because she was playing the game Piggy. Oh! It's in case you were gonna rape me or kill me or something. I say In a embarrassed voice. Seriously you don't trust me..? Daz says. Sorry ugh don't be so aggressive I say rolling my eyes. I hate daz's date first she called me a random girl then she made me loose my game AND NOW she's being rude! Sarah thought. Daz sat down on his beige couch and looked at the time on his phone. Sarah I told you. Your bedtime is 8PM what are you doing up? Daz asked. Oh uhhhh it looked dusk outside so I thought it was 6 or 5pm..Sarah said in a nervous voice. Ok. Daz says in a sarcastic voice. just go to bed ok? Okay fine. Sarah says in a annoyed voice. Remember to friend me when you wake up! I say

To be continued comment if you want more.

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