Ch. 2 Waking Up

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Chapter 2.

Waking up.

 Andri woke up to find everything had been a dream well, almost everything. Her mother had died, her boyfriend had cheated, and she had trashed her room though not as bad as it was in her ‘dream’. She did a quick clean as just to get the basics out of the way. “Did I do this in my sleep,” she asked herself. Shaking off a bad feeling she went to the bathroom, and looked at her reflection. A nice mix black, and asian. Blasian. Most would just assume she was black. Rich dark skin, slanted but, large black eyes with gray speckles, thick top lip lin bottom, straight originally black hair dyed at the tips, lavender. Slim thick. 

Andri sighed and splashed water on her face, looking back up at the mirror. “How did you do it? All while sleeping,” she said looking in disbelief at her reflection. “Well, you had a little help.” A ghost-like voice said. Andri looked around frightened. “Oh, stop looking so scared. Look back at the mirror darling. You can’t see me anywhere but there,”the voice said. Andri bit her lip and looked back at the mirror to see her own reflection gone. Replaced with a new one.

 It looked like her but, opposite colors? Smooth pale skin, curly lavender dyed roots black everywhere else, brown eyes with gray speckles.

She shook her head, blinking. This can’t be real. “Look at me Andri,” I couldn’t look at...that.

Whatever it was. 

“Andri. Andri. Andri-” It chanted but I refused to look. 

I felt like I was being suffocated. I backed away from the mirror and hit the wall. I slid down it with a trembling body as the mirror image continued to say my name. 

“Andranais. Andranais. AND-”

All of sudden I couldn’t move my arms, they were wrapped tight around my body. “ANDRANAIS-” I screamed with all my might. Eyes wide open. The thing continued it’s chant. I couldn’t take it!

I got up, shaking, and moving around still not able to move my arms. I blinked.

Once I opened my eyes I was in a white room. In a straight jacket. With a-a doctor. Dr.Mont in front of me. Shaking me. He was talking but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. All I could hear was that horrifyingly high pitch voice screeching my name. “Andranais. Andranais. Andranais. Andri. Andri. An-” I felt something prick my neck and I screamed. “I SAW IT!” I yelled.

“IT’S STABBING ME!” I screeched as I felt more things poke my neck. I felt it’s horrid claws scratching at my neck waiting for a drop of blood. 

My mouth opened and out came a blood curdling scream before a laugh. I laughed, and laughed, and l-no. I cackled! YES YES I CACKLED LIKE A WITCH HA-HAHAHAH! 

Oh God please help me! It’s after me-“MS.DRIZZLE.”

My head whipped over towards the doctor. The prickling had stopped. The voice had stopped. I had stopped. “Please,” I whispered. 

“What is it Ms.Drizzle?” He asked, genuine concern written on his old face. “Please. End this. I admit i’m INSANE! KILL ME!” I said my voice going from soft to straight screams. He sighed and looked away shaking his head, probably tired of hearing this everyday. 

These terrors. The “nightmares” will forever haunt me, and so will my opposite. My “better” version. My dead twin sister. Her blood is on my hands.

And I regret nothing.

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