Part 1

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"Damn! I was too hasty," cursed Kakashi to himself as he ran. His face was no longer covered by black mask that used to cover his half face. His breath could be seen in the cold night. The ambiance of the night was so silent. Only the sound of his footsteps running from some polices. He was surrounded by traditional Japanese house. All of the houses were closed tightly. Only some street lights lightened the night showing that the village was alive.

Kakashi was still an ANBU on his 23. And this was his last mission for him as an ANBU. Cold air started covering a small village on the border of Konohagakure and Kirigakure. A small village named Mizumi.

Kakashi got mission from Sandaime Hokage who got information about some fraud in the government and also in the police. Kakashi was sent to be a spy and to collect information and evidence to be reported to the daimyo as the head of fire nation.

But, because he was too hasty, he almost get caught. And right now he was running from some police in the end of autumn.

Kakashi turned right to a small alley and made some distance from the polices, but the alley was dead end.

"Shit!" cursed Kakashi again. He tried to get out from the alley, but the polices that ran after him were almost reach the alley.
Kakashi decided to climb the wooden fences on the end of the alley and plan to hide behind it for a while. Kakashi climbed the brown wooden fences, but, there was some weathered part of the fence. Kakashi fell to the backyard of the house that separated by the fence. He fell with a loud sound. BUGGH

Kakashi fell with his feet first. His feet couldn't hold his body causing his ankle bruised and got sprained.
Kakashi held the pain from his ankle and tried to stand up, but, he didn't even get a chance to step his foot to the ground, he already fell. Kakashi decided to rest for a while and leaned his back on the wooden fence.

He didn't realize there was a woman around his age staring at him in surprised from the back terrace of the house.

Kakashi finally realized he was being starred at then he starred back at the woman. Kakashi tried to walk away in hurry, but when he tried to step his left foot on the ground, he was shaken and almost hit the ground but a pair of hands held him.

"You are hurt," said a very soothing voice.
Kakashi turned his gaze to the woman next to him as the woman held him. The same woman who starred at him before. Now, he could see this woman clearly.
Her pale face was glowing under the moonlight. Her black hair was loosen and tied loosely on her left side. Her face were rosie pink and her thin lips were like sakura. Her slender fingers were holding Kakashi's body.

"You shouldn't push yourself," said the lady as she put Kakashi's arm around her shoulder making Kakashi leaned his body to her.

"I'm fine. I will go from here," answered Kakashi as he walked away from the lady, but not even one single step, his body almost fall to the ground.
The lady held his body immediately.

"Don't be a fool. You hurt your foot. You won't be able to walk," answered the lady as she help Kakashi to the opened room facing the backyard.

Kakashi sat on the tatami in the middle of the room lighten by a small warm light. But, the room was bright enough from the light of the moon that shone through into the room pierced the shoji that separating the room and the back terrace. Kakashi smell a scent of tuberose and casablanca, he looked around to find the source of the scents. There was a vase full of tuberose and casablanca. There were not many furniture in that room. Only a small wooden cupboard and a coffee table in the middle of the room.

Suddenly, Kakashi felt cold feeling around his ankle.
"Snow," whispered Kakashi but then he realized that it is impossible for snow at that time of year. Then he looked toward his ankle and realized the cold sensation was from the lady's hands caressed his ankle. The cold sensation like the first snow of the winter. Cold and fragile, but also tender.

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