Home Improvements

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  Being a pseudo immortal had its ups and downs. Pros being that you can't die from starvation, falling, dehydration, small explosions, and stubbed toes. Cons of course being the constant hunger, thirst, endless flights of stairs, destroyed projects, and did he mention endless flights of stairs? The worst thing however, is the complete lack of keeping time. Rex slaved away at bring the base he decided to call home to a livable state and sadly that meant countless time underground. It could have been weeks or months since he awoke and he wouldn't know. All he did know was that there was a ton of projects that needed done and not enough time to do them. Thankfully the Fallen seemed to have ignored the base, probably labeled it clear of any valuable salvage. Which enabled him to construct a rain collector using a hole in one of the hunger roofs. Luckily the base had an absolutely insane amount of plastic drums that had long since lost their content which made them ideal to transport the collected water down into the sublevels. Using one of the wrecked HABs, Rex was able to build a really questionable elevator. Many accidents and flights of stairs were had in getting it to a stable and safe state of use. Still looks insanely questionable however, but he can safely lower the drums of water down to be purified or used in the still in progress hydroponics room. Of course none of these improvements would have been made possible if he didn't manage to bring one of the generators in the basement back online nor managing to reconnect the solar panels above ground to the bases power grid.

   Rex gasped as he started his mornings like always, by being revived after starving to death. Ash floated around him and asked, "Why do you insist on starving to death? You've found plenty of dead Fallen in the city, so why not eat one? My scans say they are perfectly fine to consume, after cooking them that is. Can only assume how gross they might taste raw." Rex let out a bitter laugh and said, "I feel a sort of kinship with the Fallen after all the struggle in translating their language and learning of their struggles. Their home world destroyed after the Great Machine, The Traveler, left them. Now they are lost and believe by taking the Traveler, they can regain what they lost. The world I knew is gone and now I'm lost, seeking a place to call home just like them. If I were to stoop to their level, degrade myself to consuming the flesh of another sentient lifeform, that just means I'll forever be lost. Endlessly seeking for a life I'll never get back. So instead I choose to weather this hunger to remind myself of what I'm fighting for. A new home, a new lease on life." Ash hummed in thought as she watched Rex set about getting ready for the day and after a while she said, "Why not go to the Last City then? Sure we had no desire before to travel to it, but it would beat starving to death over and over." Rex just scoffed and replied, "No thanks. My last life I spent as just another cog in the machine. With this new lease on life, I'll live as I want. Be the writer of my own story instead of just another character on the page. Be the builder of an empire instead of just another peasant working the fields." Ash went silent as she let Rex's words sink in and couldn't help but believe she chose a very unique person as her Guardian.

   After all the heavy talk Rex and Ash finally arrived topside thanks to his elevator with all the questionable sounds taking place of the boring elevator music of old. The routine sweep of the grounds went without incident and they quickly set off into the city at last. Today's scavenging location was the old library. With any luck they'll make it out with a treasure trove of knowledge about all sorts of things and if the Light is on their side, they'll stumble upon any sort of preserved seeds or even some wild vegetables. Since this trip was taking him deep into what could possibly be Fallen territory Rex had to resort to some light armor, not like he really had an option seeing has the heavy armor he's building wasn't even finished yet. Using Fallen armor pieces usually worn by Vandals with a heavily modified Captain helm and a green fabric fashioned into a cloak made up what Rex calls his recon armor. Using spare optics from Shanks, Rex made a makeshift visor and fashioned a rebreather using the preexisting tubes on the mask incase he encounter any hazardous areas. To hopefully avoid being discovered if spotted, Rex took along a Fallen Shock Rifle, Pistol, and dagger to appear as any other Fallen at a glance.

   It was just past noon by the time Rex reached the library. After disguising the HAB has just another wreck on the road, Rex set off towards the library door. He noticed an odd Fallen symbol painted next to a broken window leading into the basement. It almost looked like a stick person with a mohawk with what he can only assume is a shield? Not letting the oddity of the symbol distract him, Rex with Shock Rifle drawn entered the library and set about finding the mainframe where all information was stored. Working top to bottom, Rex searched for a few hours before finding finding the terminal he needed just above the sub basement. Strangely no Fallen to be seen but feeling of eyes watching him never left him once he entered the lower levels of the library. Plugging in the data storage device into the terminal Rex watched as the transfer process zoomed along. Rex whispered to himself, "Got to love military tech, they sure knew how to build top notch things." Rex tensed as he heard the creaking of wood echoed around the room. Getting ready for a fight, Rex quickly grabbed the data device as it finished the transfer. Just in time for the floor beneath him to give way, plunging him to the darkness below.  

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