"You're right. Ugh, I'm gonna go and sit with my liver tonight," Meredith said.

"Have fun. Call me if you need anything. I love you," Erin said.

"I love you, too," Meredith ended the call. Erin threw her phone onto the side and walked back into Archie's room, where Arizona was rocking him with a smile.

"What was that about?" Arizona asked.

"Meredith and Cristina are fighting again," Erin said, leaning over to kiss Archie's forehead. "Goodnight, baby boy," she whispered.

"Night, mama," Archie mumbled.

"I love you," Erin whispered.

"Luh' you," Archie yawned. Erin headed out of the room, waiting for Arizona to put Archie down and join her.

They headed into their room and sat on the bed with a yawn.

"You have Callie's court thing tomorrow," Erin said tiredly.

"I know," Arizona said. "You gonna be okay holding peds down with Alex?" she asked.

"Yeah," Erin nodded.

"I'm gonna try and get back for your tests so we can work out when to get inseminated," Arizona said.

"It's okay if you can't. Just be there for the insemination and it's fine," Erin yawned, lying back on the pillows. "I don't even think I can get a shower right now. Gonna have to be in the morning," Erin said.

"If we wake up early, maybe I can join you," Arizona whispered, settling herself beside Erin.

"The last time we had shower sex, I fell over and hurt my hip. I could barely walk for a week. No way," Erin shook her head, making Arizona laugh and kiss her cheeks.

"I apologised. Over, and over, and over," Arizona said.

"You can apologise again tomorrow morning. Just sleep tonight," Erin said, closing her eyes with a small smile.

"Whatever you say, baby," Arizona grinned, turning the lamp off. "I love you," she whispered.

"Love you," Erin mumbled. Arizona giggled.

"I see where Archie gets it from, now," she said. Erin barely managed to smile tiredly before falling asleep.

"Arizona, we only have six days to pick our sperm donor before I'm ovulating! You can't veto a guy because he's shorter than five five," Erin laughed as Arizona threw another file to the side.

"Well, that's my baby that's gonna be cooking and we don't want him or her to be completely stunted with growth. You're five foot two, I'm five four, we have to get some height in our genes," Arizona said.

"Height doesn't matter. What matters is that the baby is healthy, happy and loved, and they will be," Erin said.

"Well, the baby can be healthy, happy, loved and taller than five foot two," Arizona said. She started sorting through the files, putting those smaller than five five to one side.

"Fine," Erin relented.

"Thank you!" Arizona beamed, kissing her softly. "So, what are we gonna go with? We have five people," she said.

"Well, we want people who are repeat donors so, if we have more, they can have the same donor," Erin said. Arizona removed two charts.

"Three left," she said. They opened them, looking between them.

"Archie has brown hair. Do we risk it and take a brown haired donor? I mean, the baby could still be blonde. We're both blonde," Erin said.

"There's only one," Arizona said, looking at his chart, "And he's less attractive than our blonds," she said.

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