"You think?" Meredith said.

"I don't know. I'm kind of hoping they never come out, 'cause I don't know how the fuck to explain all of that, but I'm kind of not against it if they do, because they're still his family and they never did anything wrong to Archie or me," Erin said.

"I get it," Meredith said. "It's like Lexie and Thatcher. She never hurt us, but he did," Meredith said.

"Yeah," Erin agreed.

"C'mon. We have shit to do. I can't print forks all day," Meredith said. Erin smiled and kissed her cheek, heading down the hallway to get to work.

"So, I was thinking about what you said last night," Arizona said, handing Erin a stack of files, "And I spoke to some of my OB connections. These are lists of donors, possible methods we can pick, tests we have to do to find out when you're best getting inseminated, all of the official stuff," Arizona said.

"Well, if we're using your eggs, it'll be IVF. If we're using mine, it'll be IUI, 'cause they'll just turkey baster the sperm into me," Erin said. Arizona made a face.

"It's a good thing I don't like turkey, 'cause I can never look at basters the same," Arizona said quietly. Erin laughed.

"Good point. Okay, I've got an hour if you have an hour. We can start going over all of this shit," Erin said.

"Sounds good," Arizona squeezed her hand, the two of them heading with the files to the attendings lounge.

"I think, if I'm carrying, we should use your eggs. 'Cause then we're both involved," Erin said.

"Sounds good with me. So, IVF. We just need to pick a donor," Arizona said.

"Let's get picking," Erin grinned, opening the first file. "Oh, no. Too young," Erin said, closing the file back over. "We are not having a child who's sperm comes from a child," Erin said. Arizona opened it.

"He's twenty two," Arizona said.

"He's also got a criminal record," Erin said. Arizona nodded.

"Good point," she said, pushing it away and opening the next one.

"Cristina wants to use my printer!" Meredith shouted into the phone as Erin put Archie to bed.

"Woah, lower the volume," Erin said, turning the volume down. "Arizona, can you take Archie, please? Mer's having a breakdown," she called.

"Coming," Arizona said. She walked into the room and took Archie, letting Erin walk out of the room.

"Okay, go," Erin said.

"She wants to use my printer to save a patient but if she uses it, it'll ruin my research so far because I'm in the middle of printing. So, I told her to submit a proposal to the board because I wasn't gonna stop it unless I have to. And then Alex said I was a lousy doctor today because apparently, I'm acting like I have something to prove," Meredith ranted.

"Well, do you have something to prove?" Erin asked.

"I'm trying to prove that she's wrong! I'm not a lousy doctor. I'm not. And she said I am because I have kids and I'm not," Meredith said.

"I know you're not a lousy doctor, but are you taking this too far just to prove that?" Erin said.

"You're on her side?" Meredith scoffed.

"No. Listen to me, Mer," Erin said, "She called you a lousy doctor and you submitted your proposal for the grant the same day. You're trying to achieve something to prove her wrong, when you should be trying to achieve something because you want to be the best doctor you can be. And it shouldn't interfere with your work or other patients," Erin said.

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