Saving Pvt. Ryan

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Ryan's POV

Damn that man knows I hate taking point almost always I get shot at first. So I just nod in acknowledgement and trudge towards the door. I put my ear up to the door and hear nothing. As I kick down the door and step through the threshold. From the side an insurgent rushes me with his knife and wrestles me to ground before he can stab me however Sgt. Ramirez puts 3 rounds in his back. He helps me up and ask if I'm rattled I say "I'm ok and let's keep moving." Glad I'm ok I dust myself off and sweep the rest of the building and move up the stairs towards the roof we get up there and set up our equipment 1 50 cal. Sniper, 2 SR15 rifles and a bunch of ammo. Ready to protect our squad. I tell Banks to give me the extra set of night vision goggles he brought along for me. "The guy was reliable I can tell you that much about him." So I get on a SR15 and take a shot at a man trying to take cover behind a wooden crate. I swear sometimes it like they want you to shoot them.So I take the shot hit him in the heart. Instant kill. After we get done up there. We regroup in the bazaar, take a rest and prepare for a oncoming firefight

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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