"What were the thoughts, Lil?" she questioned cautiously, not wanting to pressure Lilian into giving an answer.

"A lot of them were the things he used to tell me, how no one could ever love me, that I'm nothing without him. Others were about you, about how you deserve more than I can give you, and how one day you're going to realize that and leave me just like everyone else," Lilian whimpered. "After that, I don't remember much other than accidentally hurting Arthur." Polly's heart sunk to her stomach, and she brought the hand Lilian was using to play with her rings to her lips in an attempt to provide even the smallest amount of comfort.

"Please never believe any of those things your mind is telling you because they are the furthest things from the truth. Anything that son of a bitch made you believe about yourself is completely false. And if there's only one thing you take away from this conversation, Lilian Marie, let it be this," she instructed, gently tapping the tip of her index finger against the brunette's chest. "I am not going anywhere. I love you, and I would sooner let Thomas put a bullet through my brain than leave your side. You are everything I've ever wanted and needed, little one, and that will never change." 

Streams of tears were running down Lilian's cheeks as she listened to Polly's passionate speech. The words the woman in front of her spoke made every bit of doubt that previously clouded her mind disappear. She finally allowed herself to breathe and fell forward to lean on Polly. Lilian buried her face into the crook of the older woman's neck before mumbling against her skin.

"Words can't even describe how much I love you, Polly." Her words were muffled because of her position, but Polly understood what she was trying to say.

"Well, you have forever to figure them out because you're stuck with me now," she mused, turning her head ever so slightly to kiss her temple. Lilian pulled away after a few minutes and took Polly's face in her hands.

"I can't believe how lucky I am to have found you," Lilian whispered before leaning forward to capture Polly's lip with her own. Their lips continued to move together in a poetic dance until the need for air became too strong. Both women let out quiet gasps as they pulled apart.

"Trust me when I say you're not the only one. We all got lucky when you waltzed into our lives like the blessing you are. Thank you for telling me about last night, Lilian. I hope you know I am always here to listen." Lilian nodded, her cheeks flushing a light pink at the compliment Polly had paid her.

"I know, love. Thank you for listening to and loving me," she replied. Lilian peppered sweet kisses all over the older woman's face, her heart beginning to melt when her quiet giggles replaced the silence. The final kiss was planted on Polly's mouth but was interrupted by the yawn that pushed past Lilian's lips.

"Lay down, little one. You must be sleepy from the long day you've had," Polly added, shimmying down the bed when Lilian climbed off of her lap. They laid beside one another, Lilian's back rested flush against Polly's chest while the latter's arm was wrapped securely around the former's waist. Her thumb brushed gently against the smooth skin of Lilian's abdomen, lulling her closer and closer to the sleep she so desperately needed. Just before her eyes were able to slide shut, the door was nudged open and a small, trembling figure walked through it.


"Yes, little man?" she asked worriedly, the wobble in his voice making her stomach fold in on itself. He walked over to the edge of the bed, and the tear stains across his cheeks were made evident. Lilian quickly sat up on the edge of the bed, squeezing Polly's hand previous to turning her attention back to the boy in front of her. "Hey, Finn; what's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream," he whined before throwing himself into Lilian's arms. She hugged him close to her chest and rested her cheek on the top of his head.

"Oh, my sweet boy, I'm sorry. Do you want to lay with Aunt Pol and me?" She felt both her and his distress lessen a fraction as he nodded his head vigorously against her sternum. "Alright, come here," she cooed after moving over so he could lay between them. Finn climbed into the bed and wedged himself between them, one of his hands clutching the front of Lilian's shirt. She gently ran her fingers through his hair, looking over him to make eye contact with the woman on the other side of the boy's drowsy form. Polly shot her a sympathetic look along with a kind smile while she rubbed the little boy's back.

"Night Auntie. Night Mom," he muttered, his words slurred and heavy with slumber. Lilian's eyes shot wide open, and she turned to look at Polly.

"Did he just-" she cut herself off when Polly nodded, her free hand drifting up to cover her mouth as silent tears slipped down her cheeks. Hearing the boy she loved as if he were her own call her 'Mom' simultaneously shattered and mended her heart. Polly took the hand covering Lilian's mouth in her own, giving it a gentle squeeze. She knew how much it meant to Lilian to hear Finn call her that, and it warmed her heart knowing she finally got to hear it. Without Lilian's knowledge, Finn had been talking to Polly about calling the brunette 'Mom' for quite some time now, and she adored the fact that she was there to witness the first time he actually went through with it.

"He loves you so much, Lilian, just like the rest of us. Now get some sleep, Mama; you've gone far too long without it," Polly whispered, brushing one last kiss across Lilian's knuckles before re-lacing their fingers and draping her arm over the sleeping boy. The young woman couldn't contain the smile that spread across her face as she returned her head to her pillow, allowing the weight of her exhaustion to pull her eyes shut. For the first time in a while, Lilian slept peacefully, her chest warm with the comfort of having her own little family asleep beside her.

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