chapter thirty one

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- hay draco -

- pansy . Hi - he said : what is that ? - he asked

- the thing you love the most . Strawberry - she smiled as she put a box of strawberry in the table : how are you granger -

- i'm fine - hermione said upsetly . SHe was still calling her granger where she's supposed to call her hermione or mrs malfoy : draco do u need something ? - she asked sadly

- no hermione . Go home and take a rest - she felt something cutting her as she walked away . All she could heare is the sound of pansy . Laughing while saying : open up draco

Hermione arrived to the house . She hoped she was there with him . Instead of pansy. She felt dissapointed that he rejected her and accepted pansy instead . He wanted pansy to stay with him instead of hermione .

She laid on her bed thinking about him . He must be feeling good . Because pansy was there with him

He's not even thinking about hermione . But she was .....

Next day :

Hermione woke up early . She chose a short red dress from the closet . And tied her hair to a proper ponytail . He said he likes that hair style on her . And for the first time she sat in front of the mirror and put some red lipstick

She drove a car and walked to the hospital . She opened the door to find him sleeping and as always she took a sit beside him .

- draco - she woke him up

He oppened his eyes to look at her . She was looking amazing . Her hair . Her clothes . The lipstick . She was just looking so beautiful

- you look ..... good -

Good that's all .....she wanted him to say pretty .. beautiful . But instead of that he said : good ...!!!

- thank's - she faked a smile

- what brought u here at 9:00 a.m ?-

- i wanted to see you . I brought u something - she smiled as she gave him a box

- what is that ? - he oppened it

- the same cake that we made last time -

- thank's - he put it the box on the table . He didn't even taste it

- aren't u going to taste it ? - she asked sadly

- not now . -

- when did pansy leave? - she asked curiously

- 1 :oo Am or 2  . She stayed with me all the night . She refused to leave -

- good . Good . She's a very good friend -

- you're right . Oh ! I forgot to tell u that i just sent u the papers of divorce .... it must be in the house  -

- what ???? -

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