Chapter 2

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Jay's P.O.V.
    I'm back at the hospital, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't speed to get back here. Will got here around the same time that I did, and immediately went to go to try and get an update on Kim. That left me alone in the waiting room that Maggie had brought me in. Kevin had left around the same time that I had, but said that he was gonna call Nicole to let her know, and to check on Ruz and Makayla.
    "Hey...Jay" I turn toward Maggie's voice at the door to see her holding Makayla's hand and an envelope. What was Makayla doing here, and where was Ruz? I walk right up to Makayla, and bend down towards her inorder to get a better look at her. She looks exhausted.
            "Hi princess, do you want to come here so you can try to go to sleep?" Makayla just nodded slightly before walking into my arms and almost immediately falling asleep with her head on my shoulder. I lift her up gently, and start to stand up straighter before looking back at Maggie.
             "Where's Ruzek?" She just looked down at the envelope, and handed it to me. It was addressed to Kim. Oh no.
             "He just dropped her off, and asked if I could make sure one of you guys had her, and for this to get to Kim. Makayla's bag is back at the nurses station. I'll go get it. I just wanted to make sure I would be able to catch Makayla if she started to doze off while we were walking here, and I didn't want to pick her up because she doesn't really know me and I didn't want to freak her..." This was even getting to Maggie.
             "Maggie...Maggie...thanks, I got her from here ok. Thank you." I nodded her way before turning back to where I was sitting before and sat down with a sleeping Makayla in my lap. How could Ruz just leave her, and Kim. God how much I want to go ring his neck, but I can't. I can't because the two people that this little girl sitting in my lap is supposed to rely on for anything can't or aren't here. Ruzek was supposed to be there for her and Kim; he said he would be. Now, he's not. He's not here when they need him the most so...I'll be. I'll be there for both of them, whenever they need me, and unlike Ruzek I'm not leaving them.
              "Hey, Maggie sent me back here with this. Want to tell me what's going on?" Good...Will's here I can get out of my head. He walks over, and sets Makayla's bag onto the floor next to me before sitting down in the chair next to me.
       "Thanks...uh well Ruzek dropped Makayla off here with an envelope addressed to Kim and left. So yeah here we are." I looked down toward Makayla while I was talking. How could Ruz just leave her? The only reason why I'm not finding his ass is because of the kid in my lap and her mom.
               "Alright that wasn't the only thing I was wondering about. You mentioned Hailey would be here by now." That was before I turned down her proposal.
               "She asked me to marry her..."
                "I told her no. That all of our emotions are running high, and that known of us are in the mental state to make a decision like that." I made the right call...right?
                "I'm not gonna tell you whether that was right or wrong, Jay. Only you know that. So how are you handling all of this?"
                "Ask me that when I know Kim is ok." We both look at Makayla who is still sleeping with her head on my shoulder. Kim better be ok.
                 "Besides that, how are you doing?" I couldn't ask about what he found out about Kim. I knew Will. He wouldn't tell me until I talked.
                  "I just...have been focusing on making sure Kim and Makayla are ok. Considering that is the only thing I can control."
                  "Things still bad in Intelligence?" Understatment. My team is falling apart.
                   "Yes, I assumed that Kim being kidnapped would bring us together, but really it just tore us apart. Voight, Adam, and Hailey took even more drastic measures and now Ruzek has just up and left. Kevin and I stuck to our guns. Doing what is legal, and we found her." I got to her first, I found her pulse as faint as it was, and I held her in the backseat of that car while Kevin drove to the hospital.
                      "She's stable, but critical. They'll know more when she wakes up. I can take you to her room." Oh thank god. I didn't miss the critical and I appreciate that Will used when and not if, but she's stable and that's enough. I stand up quickly, but softly to make sure I didn't wake up Makayla, and grabbed her bag before Will even had a chance to stand up. He smiled slightly before walking out the door as I followed. 5 long minutes was all it took until I was in front of her room.
                      "I'm gonna go and see if I can get more information from her doctor. Text me if you need anything." I just nodded towards him, and slowly opened the door with the hand that wasn't holding the letter. Oh god that letter. I don't even want to know what Ruzek wrote in that. It's not my place.
        When I opened up the door, and I finally saw her that feeling that I had felt the entire time that she had been missing came washing back. It hadn't gone away since we found her, but it had subsided. Probably because of what happened with Hailey. Kim looked so fragile, so unlike Kim. In all my time of knowing her I had never questioned whether or not she could protect herself, and I'm not, I just haven't ever felt such a need to protect her...or anyone it's unexplainable.

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